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  1. Ledhed

    Watering the baby

    Damn, you've never watered a plant before? It's just a plant, and a weed at that. It can handle overwatering or underwatering. Your best bet is wait till the soil is dry about 2-4 inches from the surface Stick your finger in there, if it's wet, don't water, if it's dry, add some water. It isn't...
  2. Ledhed

    4 week old plants massive branching

    Looks healthy, nodes are close for good bud production. I don't see any problem with that at all, what exactly is your question/complaint/comment? Looks good man, keep it up!
  3. Ledhed


    They look mighty tasty, but crying about no comments? Don't be such a baby.
  4. Ledhed

    Leaving dryed harvest alone in fridge for 2 weeks?

    Water real good before you leave, saturate the soil and two weeks will be nothing. They most likely won't absorb or use all that water till the first week or so has passed. From there on, they'll be searching and not finding any, hence spurring a last bit of growth. Definitely not worth wasting...
  5. Ledhed

    Leaving dryed harvest alone in fridge for 2 weeks?

    If you're only going to be gone for 2 weeks, why not hold off on the harvesting? Surely it will only help the plants mature a bit more and that is never a bad thing. Putting bud in a refridgerator is never good, be it dried or not, but especially if you're only going to have three days before...
  6. Ledhed

    Dry brittle budz----->>>sticky moist budz

    The over-dryness is a result of it being in ceramic jars. Ceramics are basically clay, which will draw moisture from anything stored in it, like rice, sugar, flour, etc. Get them into some glass jars or bottles and maybe some remaining moisture will be drawn from inside the buds, or you may need...
  7. Ledhed

    Help! My babies!

    I disagree on giving them nutrients at this early stage of life. Unless you can positively identify a deficiency of some sort, I'd hold off on the nutes untill they are at least 6-10 inches tall or about three to four weeks old. Seedlings like yours should be getting all they need from the soil...
  8. Ledhed

    Apple juice.. use for flushing plants right before harvesting?

    Apple juice, like all fruit juices, is very acidic. Perhaps if there were a way to neutralize the acidity it may be an idea as far as possibly adding flavor or sweetness. In my opinion, mother nature does a fine job of that all on her own. I'd be somewhat interested in the reults if anyone...
  9. Ledhed

    when do u move to bigger pot ?

    Just a guess here, but either way I think you already know what to do. If you top/fim them in their existing pots, no need to add any stress by transplanting them soon after. Let them recover and gain their strength back. Likewise, if you transplant, which in itself can cause a mild amount of...
  10. Ledhed

    Molasses help?

    I'd have to see the label, or get off my lazy ass and go read mine, but I doubt that's what you want. You want to use the molasses that says right on it, "unsulphured". Being that yours plainly says "contains sulphur dioxide" it's highly doubtful that is what you want to use.
  11. Ledhed

    Quick Question pls help

    Even without checking the trichomes real good right now, my opinion is a few more weeks. I say that solely by the fact that those buds still have quite a few white hairs and not enough orange/brown hairs. I agree the trich-check is the most accurate and reliable method, but just by appearance...
  12. Ledhed

    When do you start nutrients

    Anytime after about 2-4 weeks, depending on the overall health and vigor of the plant(s). If the plant or plants are healthy and growing, you may find it best to start at only about half the recommended dosage for the first feeding or two, then gradually work up to full stregth. Do not try to...
  13. Ledhed

    drooping after watering??

    After a heavy watering, yes.
  14. Ledhed

    Re-appraisal inspection?? WTFF!!??

    Read your letter more carefully. I recently received the same letter and it clearly states that if nobody is home at the time the appraiser arrives, they will only do an inspection and measurements from the outside of the home. If indeed you are a renter then the landlord/homeowner MAY be...
  15. Ledhed

    maybe dumb question

    All dirt is is rotting or rotted plant and animal matter. It's perfectly fine,as long as you're not trying to make a mulch or soil out of only dead bug carcasses.
  16. Ledhed

    My first attempt

    OP your plant looks great. I'm far from an expert, but from what I already know, and what I've read and learned over the years, your plant loks like it's going to be a very healthy, happy,, and voluptuous girl. Males tend to be taller, faster growing, and not as full and bushy. Hopefully it...
  17. Ledhed

    males or females please?

    First set is definitely male, second looks like it will be female. DO NOT toss the second plant yet until you know for sure. As some others have said, looks like that's your female.
  18. Ledhed

    Best Feeding time lights out?lights on?

    If they were growing outside, as all naturally ocurring plants do, it could rain at any time, day or night and the plants survive just fine. I personally, and through experience see no difference whatsoever when they get watered. The plant only takes up water and other nutrients as needed, be it...
  19. Ledhed

    First time grow....PICS and Questions!

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that plant is %100 hermie.