P.S. This is all bagseed, and I don't own a digital camera or a cell phone so no pictures available. This happened on one of the plants I had outside all summer but brought in when the nights started getting cold, maybe 3-4 weeks ago now. The two that were outside full time are by far the...
I was just admiring my girls before lights out, and noticed on one of them, and only one, a batch of seeds forming. Odd thing is, this is only happening on one bud area of one plant. After spotting that I carefully scrutinized all other bud sites on all other plants, and nothing. Just this one...
Way too young and small to start flowering IMO. But, most plants won't show sex that immediately either. Give it another good 5-10 days to see something, 9 days is nothing.
If stealth is no issue, by all means give them as much real sunlight as possible.Just keep them outside and do it naturally, may not be as fast but much bigger, healthier, and tastier plants.Can't beat mother nature.
Probably just some mexican dirt weed that they shipped in ammonia containers to hide the smell. Yeah, you may get a bit of a headache if you burn a lot, but should be fine, I guess.
Yes, ash is actually a very good low grade fertilizer. It will not show results overnight but in the long run ash is actually very good for all plants. A friend of mine owned a lot before he built his house on it and we would go there to party, have bonfires, etc. After the house was built and...
The old florist trick of dropping an aspirin or two in vases to keep roses, carnations, etc alive and fresh looking longer works almost the same for cloning. The major difference is the cut angle. Florist flowers kept in water with an aspirin or two a week sometimes will actually develop root...
I grew most of mine outdoors, just sun and rain, natural as it gets. But I did start using some molasses recently and no bugs near them at all. I would wait between rains, maybe 4-7 days, then go out with a gallon of pre-boiled water mixed with the molasses and just empty the jug at the base of...
Any headshop sells a product called Ready Clean. This is the greatest thing in the world IMO. It works in an hour, lasts for up to five hours and is guaranteed. Bad side of the guarantee is that if you fail the test, you're already screwed. I've used this product for years, worked for probation...
I use tap water also, but boil it heavily for about 15 minutes, then let it sit open for about a day. Tap is healthy for us, but not for our babies. Once in a while I'll buy a gallon of purified, not distilled, water and use that.