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  1. T

    Electro-horticulture growing with electricity

    There is nothing new about this idea - except the new group of "Believers" it attracts (this time around). Someone brings this Hocus-Pokus crap up every couple of years. If it really worked, it would catch on - that's all I'm saying!
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    This was very helpful!! Sexing of seeds!!

    If there was a reliable way to sex seeds - everyone would know about it and use it! "Newbies" keep getting conned into this bogus idea, then they grow-up a little and learn better!
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    Anyone ever use RAW Solubles?

    Okay, let's hear some details! What are you using exactly, how much, where do you get it from,you know - stuff like that.
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    Should I feed nutes after transplanting?

    When I transplant I use "Pre-moisened" soil (just barely) and an already watered plant. Then just act like nothing happened as far as the feeding schedual goes.
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    Cloneing Outdoors ?

    If you mean taking cuttings from an outdoor plant and then bringing the cuttings indoors to make clones with - then no, no difference. About the bugs: just look them over real good, beforehand. Then spray with some soapy water or Neem Oil. After awhile rinse them off and make your cuttings.
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    What kind of grower are you?

    I'm a handsome, debonaire grower!
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    Is Molasses beneficial in a premium soil/liquid neut grow?

    I think this issue has aleady been addressed, but I'll give it another shot! Chemical nutes are typically harmfull to the beneficial microbes that live in soil. So, yeah, I would consider that "not right". On the other hand, adding molasses would be beneficial to those same (mistreated)...
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    LED cool box to fix heat issue! 10+ degrees cooler in tent!

    So, essentially, what I'm seeing is like a "Cool-tube" for LED's? Nice idea and impressive performence. 10 degrees can be a game changer!
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    Is Molasses beneficial in a premium soil/liquid neut grow?

    The nutes are for the benefit of the plants directly - the molasses is, primarily, for the benefit of the microbes in the soil. You are feeding two different things, for two different reasons, using two different products! Unless you are using real organic liquid nutes, the molasses...
  10. T

    How to not be a "Stranger" on this site/forum??

    Welcome to the jungle! Under your avatar is your Username, under that is your "Status". Right now, your status is "New Member". That changes in responce to the number of posts you make here. In addition to the number of posts you make, RIU keeps tracks of the number of "Likes" you recieve...
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    Applied Botany: Using far-red Light to help ensure Dark period.

    I don't know what you mean by TLDR - but anyway: "TLDR: -Using Far-red light on your plants during night cycle help ensure that the plants see that it is nighttime by inactivating phytochrome." If the last light your plants see at "lights out" time is far-red light, they will go into...
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    Myth Busters Cannabis Edition

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Aluminum foil does not cause hotspots. It would need to be crinckled-up, and the majority of the the facets would have to be "focased" to cause a hotspot. I'm not saying it's impossible - what I am saying is, the chances are like winning the...
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    temperature control

    Canapy level.
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    Why cannabis should be legal in the United States

    That's all well and good, but I think all of us,here, can agree that cannabis should be legal. This just a bunch of preaching to the choire. What people in this section are really interested in - is how we can make it legal.
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    first time growing in almost 10 years. your suggestions appreciated!

    FYI, Botany is the study of plants (strictly the academic approach). Horticulture is the practice (both science and art) of actually producing plants.
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    What influences smell and taste?

    Terpines influence taste and smell.
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    Help with SCROG!

    Here's the "Hot Tip". Next time use clones!
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    Did I wait to long to flower?

    1. Yes, you should re-pot them prior to flower. 2. No, you didn't wait too long to flower. 3. You waited too long to SCROG - it's a process that goes on throughout vegging.
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    what will a fan do for my plant

    You really need to do a lot of research! If you have to ask a question like that, you obviousely don't have a clue about what you are doing!
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    Going away for a week...

    Most new growers obcess about watering their plants and most of them water to often anyway. Soak them good before you leave, have a good week, they will be fine whene you get home! Of course this depends on the plants not being in tiny, undersized pots.