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  1. Y

    Turning the compost pile

    I had a small compost pile from the spring. I layered grass clippings and leaves and pretty much left it. So pretty much, "cold" style I guess. I feel like it was pretty much done. Last weekend, I stirred it up and layered a bunch more leaves and grass clippings on top. So the pile was...
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    600w hps questions ?!

    I think a pound from a 600 watt is pretty do-able. But you will need enough plant mass, or a full enough canopy, to produce the buds. I grow in soil, so with 3 plants I'd use 1 gallon pots and your cfl to get started. After a couple weeks I'd repot in 7 gallon pots or bigger. Then like a 4...
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    Early Signs of Defeciency

    Outside, in those fabric pots, I would water pretty heavily. Not like some kind of crazy flush, but at least until run-off from the sides. Then I would let that "seep in" for an hour or so and water a little more. In my opinion, it's better to be a little too moist than too dry. And the...
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    Size of pot's relavance to yeild,veg time ?

    Good Lord Darth, you must stay busy! I mix my soil in one of those 35 gallon totes. How many gallons of soil do you get under each light? If you just had 1 light, would you still go that big?
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    Size of pot's relavance to yeild,veg time ?

    What's the best way to get the plants out of the 5 gallon tote?
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    BJJ to get clean

    I can't really help with your drug test. But Thats awesome about dropping 20, and the big tournament coming up. What is your training like up there? Do you bjj dudes do any calisthenics or drills that regular gym goers might use? Some cool ab or hip strength/ mobility exercises? Tough forms...
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    Trim 2 weeks into flower? Lollipopping + cloning= Monster Cropping Maybe I need to rethink policy... Every technique has some good use.
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    My new policy. It's 100% possible to take clones from a flowering plant. But it takes a little longer for the clones to do their thing. So unless you have a pretty specific reason to want crazy branching, Monster Cropping is not really something you should try to do. Take cuttings from...
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    Looking good guys! Thanks for the info!
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    When I "Monster Crop" I get a lot of skinny branches, all growing out of what used to be a bud site. Too many, too skinny. Growth is unsymmetrical, and unpredictable. I end up cutting most of the "monster" growth away. When I "fim" I end up with the same situation. Lots of skinny, ugly...
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    Lighting, best for cannabis.

    The little graph for those bulbs looked good. All blue, no "wasted" greens or violets. Will those aquarium bulbs hurt my eyes? Lizard bulbs are still harmful to my sight, right?
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    Compost starter to make tea?

    With the 10 gal containers, how long do you veg? Would you go longer in the 30 gallons? Or do you just go until there is space in the flower room?
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    Training Log

    I stuck to the plan for a month, and it worked great. No injuries or groin pulls or aching back or anything. I took a light, kinda easy "deload" week, the started the same routine over Monday. It was the day after the first NFL Sunday. I had a slight hang over.
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    Langenbenite - does it kill beneficials?

    Somebody who sounded smart said that bugs who eat plants won't be hanging out in a pile of compost. They're out somewhere eating plants. It sounded good to me. I haven't seen any bad guys inside.
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    Langenbenite - does it kill beneficials?

    I usually mound grass clippings behind the shed during the summer. In the fall my yard is full of leaves, so I layer up a couple piles. They do their thing till spring, then I dump compost on the garden in March or so. Now I wish I hadn't wasted so much on the tomatoes.
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    Langenbenite - does it kill beneficials?

    I've been using the compost for the veggie gardens for awhile. The results were great. This spring I took the plunge started using the compost inside. I was too afraid of "bugs" to try it before. It worked again, and no bugs! I've been considering the idea of just putting everything in the...
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    Langenbenite - does it kill beneficials?

    So you put everything in the compost pile, and then just use use the compost? Neem meal, kelp meal, insect frass, everything composted with your greens and browns? Then you just have super compost, full of nutrients? Mix in with old soil or new peat+arreation, and you're 100% ready to go? No...
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    Langenbenite - does it kill beneficials?

    Oh! Sol-po-mag. I've heard of that before. Is this stuff totally water soluable? Will it just disolve in water like epsom salts? I love my compost pile, and letting my microbes do the work and stuff. But sometimes my plants look a little weak, and I like to hit them with some "liquid...
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    Langenbenite - does it kill beneficials?

    0-0-22 with magnesium and sulfur. I know this stuff is an ingredient in some commercial soils. Does anyone use it in their own mix? How much? Like 8 years ago, I used some stuff called "Epsom Plus" from Espoma. Was that stuff Langenbienite?
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    Stoner Boot Camp - Who's in?

    Those TRX things are super legit. If you're a beginner, you can regress and do "easy" versions of moves. If you're super advanced, you can use them to make calisthenics really challenging. So if you're into lifting weights, you can do some great bodyweight stuff for warm ups, and to practice...