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  1. Y

    Training Log

    10-30-15 Seated Band Abductions Side to side Landmine has 3x10 each 1Leg Calf Raise 1 Leg Curl Stepup 3x10 each Barbell Rows, not really bent over 135x12, 2 sets 185x10, 2 sets 225x10, 2 sets Starr Shrugs From Rack 135x5, 2 sets 155x5, 2 sets 185x5, 2 sets Snatch Grip Deadlift...
  2. Y

    Root bound in smarties?

    Smart Pots are designed so that your plants literally cannot become root bound. You are in the clear! No need to worry about checking! The breathable sides of the pot "air prune" the roots. The roots split and branch instead of spiraling around, like in the bottom of a plastic pot.
  3. Y

    Training Log

    10-29-15 Seated Dumbbell Cleans Read delt raises leaning forward Tricep Pushdown A few circuits to warm up Bench Press, +50 pounds of Chains 195x2, 3, 4, 2, 3. I was gonna do 2 reps on the last set, but it felt great, so I did a third. Tried a forth, but failed. Dumbbell Press 55x20...
  4. Y

    Training Log

    10-27-15 Seated Band Hip Abductions Side-to-side landmine abs 3x12 each Single leg standing calf raise Single leg curl Step Ups 3x12 each Safety Squat Bar, Box Squat. A little above parallel 265x6, 3 sets Romanian Deadlift Lunge in Place Let extension 2 circuits to warm up 3 circuits...
  5. Y

    Training Log

    I just ate some ice cream.
  6. Y

    Training Log

    10-26-15 Shoulder warm up junk Snatch grip shrugs, leaning forward in Smith machine(12) Hanging leg raises, shins to Bar, outside hands(10 total) Step ups with 25 pound dumbbell on opposite side (10 each side) Half Kneeling Kettlebell press( 5 reps each arm, repeat on each leg) 4 circuits 1...
  7. Y

    Training Log

    10-23-15 Legs hamstrings and hips were really sore from squatting Tuesday. I was really slow getting started, and did like twice as much warm up stuff as normal. Its nice to feel sore in my muscles, and not just fucked up in my joints. Snatch Grip Deadlift, off 2 inch blocks 225x5, 3 sets...
  8. Y

    Training Log

    Thanks kush. 10-22-15 Warm up junk Bench Press, with chains 195x3, 4 sets Dumbbell Bench Press 50x20 Dumbbell Mechanical "Drop Set" 60x8 50x10 1 Arm Dumbbell Row superset with Seated 1 arm Dumbbell Front Raise 2x10 2x8 Tate Press superset with Alternating Pinwheel Curls 3x15...
  9. Y

    Training Log

    10-12 through 10-16 Easy week. Just messed around with a few different lifts to.see how they felt. 10-19 Shins to Bar 3x10 Clean from Floor Once, Press 95x5, 10 sets Clean from Floor and Push Press 135x1, 10 singles Rolling Dumbbell Tricep Extensions Dumbbell Upright Rows Dumbbell...
  10. Y

    Do NOT use green lights in your flower room!!

    Unsolicited: People here love the Pineapple Express too. Even if they don't know it's called that, people love the way it looks and smells. I would totally agree about the P.E. Not the auto, of course.
  11. Y

    Training Log

    Missed a few updates. Training has been; Daily Mobility Junk Hip Hikes Clam Shells Psoas Raise Peterson Step Ups Band Pull Aparts Band Shoulder Dislocates Push up plus from the knees I ran through this boring stuff 2-4 times a day, every day at the house. This was great. It was like...
  12. Y

    Training Log

    Planches look tough. It's hard for me to get my head around those. Front levers look like something I could work up to. I saw some 65 year old former A.B. member on TV, doing front lever pull ups off of the underside of his cot in San Quentin. It looked pretty cool. I did lots of slow...
  13. Y

    cheap 1000 watt hps

    I got 2 "Apollo Horticulture" kits from Amazon. Dimmable Ballast, hood, 2 bulbs, hangers. One is nearly 3 years old, the second is just over 1 year old. No problems. Probably the same type of set-up as Hot Rod. High Tech Garden supply has the cool feature of selling you a complete package...
  14. Y

    Plants under 600 watt Hps in center of room? losing tons of light on sides?

    Aim for the corner, or at least 1 wall of the room, for your "long" side. I agree with Hot Rod 100%. Use a screen, or a big piece of cardboard, or whatever to make another moveable wall for the opposite "long side." That way, you can move it out of the way to get in there and work with your...
  15. Y

    Cool WormBin Idea

    I read a book where they used a device called a "thumper" to attract worms. Maybe one would help "herd" worms?
  16. Y

    Lighting, best for cannabis.

    Dudes, I know this is a total thread de-rail. But with this particular group gathered in one discussion, I have to ask. Testicles' avatar is a famous sculpture of Hercules, originally carved in antiquity. If you look, dude's physique is incredible. Size and definition and symmetry. So of...
  17. Y

    Lighting, best for cannabis.

    Everybody knows that blue light in flowering makes your plants "dank." To put it scientifically. If I'm not too lazy, I sometimes use mh bulbs during the first 2 and last 2 weeks of flower. I've got an old 400watt magnetic ballast gathering dust in the corner. So I've got nothing too loose...
  18. Y

    Turning the compost pile

    Keep it hot! Turn, layer in more green stuff. Thanks guys. I'm just worried that I'm going to run out of greens. The leaves are falling much faster than the grass is growing. When does the compost stop counting as compost, and just become soil? With enough leaves and old wood chunks and...
  19. Y

    Foliar Spray Receipts.!?

    1 cup alfalfa meal 1 cup kelp meal 5 gallons water I pretty much always have the alfalfa/kelp soaking in a bucket. I add some of this to fresh water, to dilute it. Usually, I use it haphazardly through veg, then for then first 2 seems or so of flower. Sometimes, if things are fading, I'll...
  20. Y

    HPS for veg?

    -Chemist Thanks for the experimental run and documentation! Just hearing about your electric bill has me excited to see your final numbers, and the comparison to your 600's. I appreciate your hard work.