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  1. DopeToke

    What could this be?

    What? Why would i need to flush them
  2. DopeToke

    What could this be?

    yea this picture was taken today. Ive not added any fert, its been feeding from whatever nutrients are in the compost.Ive looked everywhere on other leaves but no sign that there doing the same. This did happen overnight, was fine when i went to bed and woke up to that
  3. DopeToke

    What could this be?

    forgot the picture
  4. DopeToke

    What could this be?

    The tips on one leaf is going and orange brown colour. Anyone know what it is? Ive got 3 plants, 28 days from seed and everything is fine all in same condition except one which is in a 6" pot rather than a 12". There about to get there first fert when it arrives. I use cfls 24/7 light and trying...
  5. DopeToke

    Increase Humidity

    I read higher humidity increase chances of female, ive got abit of an history of creating fine strong health male plants and its doing my head in. Going to buy femalized seeds next time just using up the last of my belladona first. No worries about refilling often i check my plants about 3 - 4...
  6. DopeToke

    Increase Humidity

    Thanks thats useful didnt realise that. The containers im using are more deep than they are wide, i should have room to put a couple of baking trays in there. Humidity is currently 30% it was mostly 40% last week
  7. DopeToke

    Increase Humidity

    I need more humidity in my grow room. Ive placed open containers of water around the place so it will evaporate into the air, will this help or is it just a daft idea? Spent to much on my grow room recently and with christmas coming i need any spare money otherwise id have bought a humidifier...
  8. DopeToke


    Hey buddy i can defo see the difference since your first post. There looking better...what lights you using? I normally feed my plants about a month after i planted them from seed when the nutrients have ran out from my compost. Slowly increasing it will do the trick, they handle alot, ive never...
  9. DopeToke

    Lighting question

    Ive often thought of this as i live in a rented house. I dread the day it happens as i cant even smoke in this place but i do daily and it stinks of weed all the time. As for upstairs, theres no way i could let my landlord up there cos he would know im growing. Think im just going to panic and...
  10. DopeToke

    Is my room correct?

    Ive found this an intresting thread. I Dont know much about this topic but feel more educated on it. Rep given to those i thought gave good advice. Shame about the children agruing but boys will be boys
  11. DopeToke

    Aluminum Foil reflector. yay or nay?

    They will grow without it. Id plant them and get your reflection sorted later on. I dont think it matters to much in the very early stages
  12. DopeToke

    Aluminum Foil reflector. yay or nay?

    haha. Your choice mate, if u do use foil do what Nimbliez said and use it dull side out. I didnt even move when i got mine, just ordered it online like i do so damn lazy
  13. DopeToke

    Aluminum Foil reflector. yay or nay?

    No dont use it. Ive read many times that foil is a bad idea. Save your pennies mate and get some mylar, its not very expensive...i'd say it was cheaper than foil. Ive recently got some diamond reflective sheeting but its very expensive for an extra 5% reflectiveness compared to mylar. I...
  14. DopeToke

    What's Happening to Me?

    hornedfrog what is with your avatar pictures? It always seems to be of a dodgy naked men...i dread to think of images youve seen while looking for these pictures haha
  15. DopeToke

    World of Warcraft Growers

    My main is a 70 pala to and a 70 sham as my 2nd. The game as been changed loads since the big update about a week and half ago. Its all ready for the expansion. All your moves have already changed, new places have appeared, new achievements theme, pvp as never been so should log on as...
  16. DopeToke

    World of Warcraft Growers

    Haha the last thing i expected to see on here is someone trying to sell a char. You should log back on mate many things have changed
  17. DopeToke

    World of Warcraft Growers

    Any fellow growers out there who are into world of warcraft? This thread might seem sad to some people but i love it...not as much as i love my plants but its up there
  18. DopeToke

    11 day old plant problem

    I repotted the other day, it was alot easier than i thought it would be, none of the roots had grown together. I only have 2 12" pots so had to put the third in a 6". Hopefully that will be fine until i can sex them and sort them out. Thanks for all your help on this topic
  19. DopeToke

    Cannabis security

    Im using diamond reflective sheeting, does that change the way things look on FLIR? The reason im worried recently is i smoke alot and a couple of friends and family have told me it smells outside before they get to the door (and they no nothing of my grow). This worries me because if some silly...
  20. DopeToke

    My grow box is perfect except...

    I dont know im not exactly a pro myself and ive never really had space issues. Id try growing a single plant or maybe two in there and judge it from that. I think if anything height will be a problem if you only have 2ft of grow space after putting in your light and pot