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  1. DopeToke

    What's Happening to Me?

    That sounds abit fucked up. How regular do u smoke? How long have you smoked for? and how old are you? Ive heard alot that young hard smokers suffer the consequences most
  2. DopeToke

    My grow box is perfect except...

    Haha funny comment im sure you wouldnt burn in your sleep if it were to get to the light. Im not so sure you have enough height. There are ways to keep a plant shorter but i dont know much about that as space isnt an issue. Plants can double and more in size after youve put them into flower...
  3. DopeToke

    11 day old plant problem

    Hi froggs welcome to rollitup. You should make a new thread in the marijuana plant problems section and add pictures and more info. That would be the best way for people to help you
  4. DopeToke

    11 day old plant problem

    Damn everyone keeps telling me that. Its been less than a week. Ive decided im doing it 2moro early afternoon. Id do it now but the compost is in the car which is parked 2 streets away, ive just had a shower and its freezing outside not a chance haha
  5. DopeToke

    Cannabis security

    So can that not be detected by FLIR? I didnt give a very good description there. I was thinking more along the lines of a 2 bedroom house attic space. Id couldnt imagine ever being able to afford a warehouse and all the equipment.
  6. DopeToke

    my babies 3 weeks in

    Nice setup and your plants look good and healthy. Have you just got the 2? Hope there girls
  7. DopeToke

    Cannabis security

    I cant find a section where to discuss the secuirty of your grow. Is there any good threads already out there? I mainly want to know how people aviod fly bys when they have a massive grow with lots of lights and heat.
  8. DopeToke

    11 day old plant problem

    No worries mate, hard to tell in photos. i got some compost today going to repot later. Plants still dont look to healthy but i didnt expect them to until they were in the own big pots
  9. DopeToke

    11 day old plant problem

    Im going to repot again this sat when i can get more compost. I know putting all 3 together was a bad idea but im pretty sure its a better move than keeping them in those tiny pots for another week. The previous pots werent even 2 inch tall and an inch wide, when i took them out the roots had...
  10. DopeToke


    How often to water varies on pot size. Simply only water once soil as dried through out, get your self a mousiture meter if needed. I also grow in my closet. I use x2 125watt eco light cfls and it works fine. good luck
  11. DopeToke

    11 day old plant problem

    Come to repot and i have another problem, i completely under estimated how much compost i had left so ive had to put them all in one much bigger pot for now. Im going to repot them properly next weekend now. How long would it take before the roots of these 3 plants start to grow into each other...
  12. DopeToke


    Thats something ive never thought of actually. Ive only ever repotted during the veg stage when lights are on 24/7 and had no problems
  13. DopeToke

    why is my plant wilting!?

    Was that picture always there? When i first posted only the text loaded up. Glad there looking happier mate
  14. DopeToke


    They seem alright to me to. The right one looks the strongest. Lay back on the water if you think you might be doing it to often, only water when its dried through out. Welcome to rollitup mate
  15. DopeToke

    11 day old plant problem

    Yea im using tap water its ph is around 7. I didnt have any problems with the water last time i grew but i was using ferts back then. As for the soil its just standard all purpose potting soil no info to its ph. I'll post an update a few days after transplant
  16. DopeToke

    Growing cactus and weed together

    I liked the idea of having a small cactus garden in one pot but i think i need a bigger pot if im to grow them together. I agree the best results would be in single pots which i think i will probably end up doing. Definately going to put the ill one in a pot of its own and thanks for the...
  17. DopeToke

    11 day old plant problem

    Ive never grown in pots this small before, they seem to dry very quick so i have watered them more often than normal. They dont look droopy so i never thought it would be overwatering. When i repot tomorrow i'll add 1/4 fert. Im hoping that little bit of streching wont cause me any problems, my...
  18. DopeToke

    Help me cant kill black fly

    Ladybirds eat black fly, would be the most natural way of getting rid of it or you can buy sprays to control it.
  19. DopeToke

    why is my plant wilting!?

    Sounds like over watering but without a picture and all details it could be something else. People will always wanna see picture when you have a plant problem. Welcome to rollitup hope it helps you out
  20. DopeToke

    Seed shell on plant

    I just posted this then remembered this thread. 2 out of the 3 plants have started to yellow all over. Think it cud be related to my problems in this thread?