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  1. GotBeat5.0

    OMG 9 Lights - 12 Plants - 15 POUNDS....Damn i'm gettin good at this

    meh i dunno another board someone called 45 lbs in their grow and same deal happen till he showed his set up and his garage and then everyone was all over his nuts ya know ... i just see teh same deal happening here
  2. GotBeat5.0

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    nice little thread here def should be considered to be stickied considering the same Q is asked a million times a day
  3. GotBeat5.0


    wasnt Overgrow taken down this way?
  4. GotBeat5.0

    OMG 9 Lights - 12 Plants - 15 POUNDS....Damn i'm gettin good at this

    damn lots of angry stoners here haha poor guy cant wait till he takes the pics to shut the tons of noobs up haha But man now dont make me eat my words if you fail and dont post pics cause then ill look like a total asshole for defending a liar
  5. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    haha thanks man I figured it was time for a bit of detail since I was always taking quick room shots. Just did it while I was watering them figured why not right.
  6. GotBeat5.0

    Where to get the right lights ?

    for a 4 x 4 area a 600 watter would be just right but hey nothing wrong with the 1K as long as you have good air flow in the room
  7. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    yea i was reading a thread by FDD saying the secret to big nugs is just feeding the shit out of them hence why i gave them the heavy dose of feed to date. So far them seem to like it so we'll see in the next day or so. Yea im actually a bit surprised myself a fellow growing buddy here came by...
  8. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

  9. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    BAGSEED Robin Gweneth BeBe Olive Danae Deandra Kitrina Chloe Felicity Hannah Kacy Tita Ivette Bunny Cidalee Wynona
  10. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    SWEET DREAMS (all 5 are close to 5 feet tall) Savannah Sigourney Sassy Shannon Selena
  11. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat5.0s Official Grow Journal

    Alrightie then well my peoples its time for a nice update its been a few days now. And you guys are gonna be happy played around with my camera and was able to find a mode to take under the HID light so I took a pic of each plant so hope your ready to see some damn pictures first thing is...
  12. GotBeat5.0

    very quick question

    oh psh totally didnt see that youve been vegging for 16 days now. nah you'll def yield more then eigth
  13. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat's How To on Gumby Hash

    hmm i dunno why yours wont burn nice i pretty much did the same worked the ball while it was drying. i mean mine doesnt stay lit the whole time every hit i take i gotta hit it with the lighter
  14. GotBeat5.0

    GotBeat's How To on Gumby Hash

    did you make sure it was dry completely? only thing i can think of
  15. GotBeat5.0

    Where to get the right lights ?

    well my friend first off you need to get your self a lighting system, just buying the bulbs and thinking their gonna fit in a standard light socket is just i dunno but obviously you need to do alot more research
  16. GotBeat5.0

    very quick question

    hmm honestly if your trying to get them ready in a month its not gonna be worth feeding them and your not gonna yield alot at all maybe an eigth for effort
  17. GotBeat5.0

    Option A or B?

    leave them on the whol etime
  18. GotBeat5.0

    how much water should i give my flowering plants?(PIC)

    just lift your pots when their light water them if their heavy then no water needed. lifting pots after awhile you can start getting the idea of how it works.
  19. GotBeat5.0

    1st time Growing, my plan thus far.

    for your greenhouse this is what I suggest for you. Get some mint plants, some lemon something or other (plant that smells like lemons) basically plants that give off strong aromas. my buddy who grows outside does this every year. has strong aroma plants around his plants and honest to god you...
  20. GotBeat5.0

    Yellow (pic)

    True statement right here. Wasnt for my c02 my plants would be dead as shit.