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  1. KP2

    Aerogarden system

    i'll see about putting something together; it's basically an aeroflo hybrid, with the af's problems fixed, and 6'' pvc instead of vinyl fence posts... i can't show you the mister though; patent pending... i can show you how to make your own though :)
  2. KP2

    Aerogarden system

    depends on how he acts ;) here's the last three weeks of my spare time... and just so you know it's not a bluff in size... each set of harvest is a 1x4 area in a home made sog system. cost about 100$ to build... my aerogarden is in the kitchen with oregano and rosemary in it :p
  3. KP2

    Aerogarden system

    kp2 stands for kindprincess #2..... i don't sit in many corners ;)
  4. KP2

    Aerogarden system

    for the money you can build a real hydro system with 4x the capacity... o.0 the aerogarden is for herbs, a novelty. just because you can use something doesn't necessarily mean you should ;)
  5. KP2

    Clone deterioration ?

    a clone is a clone, and that's all there is to it. they do not degrade, the dna does not change. lol, pot isn't the only plant one can clone; there are many many plants out there that are hundreds of years old, due to propagation of cuttings (cacti come to mind here). cloning does not alter dna.
  6. KP2

    what are the best nutes. for flowering???

    gh3 to label an hammerhead to label cal/mag superthrive :mrgreen:
  7. KP2

    Water retention

    if you have a watering problem, consider timed irrigation, a catch pan, or silica crystals (water crystals).
  8. KP2

    Water retention

    more likely to cause insect problems and green algea.
  9. KP2

    Ready To Harvest? Trichome Close UP PICS:

    i'd wait a week, maybe more.
  10. KP2

    About molasses????
  11. KP2

    peruvian torches?

    o.0 that's a lot of desire! lol :p
  12. KP2

    Alive and no roots? after ten days?

    most plants will take 2 weeks or more to root. don't fret, and if possible, loose the high tech cloner. pucks work wonderfully, and are cheap. set and forget, use rooted clones in two weeks. ;)
  13. KP2

    Question about LST

    you're very welcome. happy growing :)
  14. KP2

    Question about LST

    yes, and they do. :p here are some helpful phrases... "it's a plant; it will grow if you let it" "more plants die from too much care than from the lack of it" "patience and potency are practically synonymous" "when you think it's ready, wait a week" happy growing :)
  15. KP2

    Question about LST

    tuck the leaves under ;)
  16. KP2

    Getting More Females From Your Seeds

    whatever; i'm one of those people who doesn't exist and pulls three pounds per 1k. not like i know what i'm talking about or anything.... hahahahahaha. i'm a breeder, btw. those females are important, every one of em. don't let post count rule your life.
  17. KP2

    2700 year old Cannabis!!!!

    don't be an ass, i simply made a statement silly :hug:
  18. KP2

    2700 year old Cannabis!!!!

    i agree with the latter; but i've never seen an example where eye color didn't degrade, even when things freeze to death. i could see genetic study being done, but they make it sound like they walked up on a guy dead for 3000 years, and said, "yep, blond hair, blue eyes". just strikes me as...