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  1. C

    Kaya Gold

    Yeah, the cloudy weather isn't helping at all. It is so not typical of my area. I'm sure it will get sunny. There's no way I could get that much sunlight here, even in the middle of a field. I hear you about the size, it's a sativa dominant strain and they say it grows tall. I considered...
  2. C

    mircle gro frys?

    These were started as seeds in Miracle Grow Moisture Control Soil 6 weeks ago. They have received no additional nutrients. The only issue with these plants is being a little stretchy, but cloudy weather, not MG soil is causing that. Date stamp on photos is wrong.
  3. C

    Kaya Gold

    OK, this is my first real attempt. I got 5 kaya gold feminized from Nirvana. I picked the strain because they said that it was easy to grow, and could take harsh conditions. I'm in the SE US and it get's hot here. I started the seeds in 16oz stadium cups on April 6. I did not soak the seeds...
  4. C

    EastCoast Usa NC,SC,GA Growers

    OK here are the pics of the Kaya Gold. Date stamp on the camera is not correct, pictures are new. Do ya'll think they are too stretchy? I guess it doesn't really matter, not much I can do about the sun not shining. The strain is sativa dominant.
  5. C

    EastCoast Usa NC,SC,GA Growers

    Hey man, Eastern NC here. I have 5 Kaya Golds from feminized seed (Nirvana). I got the strain because it said that it would take harsh conditions. Get's kinda hot here, know what I mean. I started the seeds on April 6th in 16 oz stadium cups (They popped through the soil on April 9th.) I...
  6. C

    Please, is this a Male? My fav one also....

    This is useful information. I'm growing 5 Kaya Golds from feminized seeds that I got from Nirvana. I started in 16oz stadium cups and one plant from the very beginning has grown faster, and looked more vigorous than the others. It has always been at least 1/3 taller than the others. I made a...
  7. C

    Please someone confirm if this plans is indeed a male. Pics include thanks :-(

    Sorry for your luck, but thanks for the picture. On the sticky's on sexing, the females are clear, but not the males. I think your's is pretty clear.
  8. C

    Is this a Male Plant????

    Sorry about the male, but I appreciate your post. Some of the the sticky's on sexing show males, but yours is one of the best pictures I've seen.
  9. C

    Supposedly the same strain, but one plant is different

    I hope you are correct. Of course, all of the plants look great, so I guess it doesn't really matter. I just hope that 99.9 percent of them are female.
  10. C

    first real attempt

    I'm a newbie also, but I can tell you a couple of things for sure. I have some plants that are two weeks old and are probably 3 times bigger than yours. Mine are in miracle grow soil also. Most miracle grow soils already have some fertilizer in it, the bag will say "feeds plants for 3...
  11. C

    Supposedly the same strain, but one plant is different

    So this really isn't a plant problem per se, but a question regarding strains I guess. I got 5 feminized Kaya Gold seeds from Nirvana. One of the plants is definitely different. Now Kaya is supposed to be sativa dominant which from what I read, the "fingers" on the leaves would be longer...
  12. C

    nirvana seeds legit ?

    I just got my first shipment from Nirvana. I ordered, they shipped on Tuesday, I got them in exactly 7 days. So, in that regard I am very happy. Five feminized Kaya gold, seeds looked good. All germinated, and two weeks later the plants look great. However, I am glad I read this post...
  13. C

    whats the best way to germ. seeds???

    I've always thought that starting in a paper towel was like moving an embryo from one womb to another! I put my potting soil in 16oz cups. I leave about an 1 1/2 of space at the top. Put the bean in the center, then poke it down about a quarter of an inch with your index finger. Then rake...
  14. C

    Direct sunlight needed?

    I had actually scouted a better spot as far as direct sunlight goes, but I don't feel like it is very secure. You get zero buds if someone finds your plants. Fact is, the more sunlight you get, the more open the space and the higher the risk that someone will find them.
  15. C

    1lb from a 5 gallon bucket

    I've got 5 seedlings (kaya gold) started in 16oz drink cups, that I will be transferring to 5 gallon buckets soon. They came from feminzed seeds, so if I get 5 females and a half pound per plant, I will be very happy.
  16. C

    Direct sunlight needed?

    I'm going to grow some in a place that only gets about 3 hours of direct sunlight right now, and about 3 or so of filtered. But, the direct sunlight is from noon til around 3pm so it will be intense. I believe that as the sun's position changes as the solstice approaches, it will get a couple...
  17. C

    The corn fields Just got planted here!

    I think that round-up has to be sprayed on foliage to kill weeds, so I don't think it being in the soil will be much of an issue. Also, corn usually gets sprayed with nitrogen when it is about 2' tall. Once it gets that tall, and they apply the nitrogen, you don't have to worry about them...
  18. C

    Trouble picking a strain for my outdoor grow

    For what it's worth, I got my Kaya Golds from Nirvan this morning. They shipped out on Tuesday, and I got them the following Tuesday, 7 days to SE U.S. Easy breazy.
  19. C

    Helicopters and detection

    I'd go a bit bigger than a 6" pot. Put it were the guy who reads your electric meter does not see it and you'll be cool
  20. C

    Is Miracle Grow really the devil???

    I think the key like someone said, is to not use any additonal nutrients for a while. I read on here somewhere that between the two, Scotts potting soil was a better choice as to what you can get at a big box store. I will add one other thing, some of the really cheap potting soils, or...