Most of that is true, however i have a friend across the street who just got their electric bill from last month. their bill was $350 (without plants growing) Mostly just from running a window AC unit. They are incredibly expensive in electric to run, and knowing how small my room is, and how...
So im going on about week 6 of flower, and i've been having WPM issues. I've got a great mildew killer, but I can't keep spraying it forever.
I have about 9 plants in a small-ish bedroom 8x10 or 10x10ish. My intake is fresh outdoor air, which is fine during the day. I live in michigan so i can...
I've read about a couple treatments such as milk and high ph water sprays, but none of that actually seems to be helping, and im getting real tired of spraying individual leaves for over a fucking hour almost every day. What will knock this shit out so I can spend more time with my family and...
smaller leaves in the middle, and some bigger leaves towards the bottom. doesn't seem to differentiate too much, but not new growth at the top. yet.
General hydroponics Maxibloom
It started as just a couple. after they get damaged to a certain point i clip them. now more than just a couple. the timeline may coincide with the feeding schedule. but i can't be positive. i've fed twice, and now its suddenly an issue. I should probably just back off the nutes a bit.
I have 3 strains and only one of them is starting have this. my clone guy said to cut the nutrients strength, because some strains are more sensitive than others.
I would pass on the water bottle if I were you. I hung a frozen GALLON of water with a second fan, and my temp didn't move a single degree. The best thing I did for my temps was get a nice window fan, dropped about 7-10 degrees farenheit depending on the day
stupid question, but do you know where a person might be able to get one of those magnifiers? similar to a little eye scope you see at the jewelers? I've never seen them at a store. My phone goes up to 8x and they look quite white, but i'll get a better magnifier to check.
you didn't just spend a few minutes a week. you spent months waiting. I dont know about you, but I spent about $800 or so setting up my room. So if you want to reduce that to "a few dimes" thats up to you. but I've added up all my costs, and i like to get as much fruit of my labor and cash as...
the point is you spent time (a lot of it) and money (a lot of that too) to do a half ass job because people get impatient. Do whatever you like with your crop, but anyone with an ounce of patience will be rolling their eyes.
I understand that realistically they aren't likely to harm my plants, it just creeps me the fuck out that i had bugs in my shit for almost a month now, and had no idea.
But because I did notice them I suppose theres a small possibility theres just a shitload of baby rootaphids waiting to tear...