this is a nation of of whiners and elitists, most of whom have never been outside of this country.many have never done anything that didnt benefit themselves in one way or another. instead of bitching get yer ass out and do something about all the wrongs done by big government. do you even go to...
yea, if you get the lights to close to the cows you burn yer burger. and no 10 per person so that it was so abundant knowbody would have to steal it and if they did no biggy right?
come to think of it we should be able to grow all we want! persuit of happiness and all that
i reveg fairly often, especially strong fems.i gotten up to 3 harvest from one plant but each time is a little weaker yield.i have also cloned off of the reveged and they are fine
i feel the need for seed, very good tutorial
i just bent the male over the fem and gave it a tap after i saw a couple pollen sacks open, it gave the whole fem a grt dusting. seems to have worked cuz like you described, all the females pistils seem to be browning rapidly. ty
i just started propagating seed my self, i just fertilized a budding blueberry with a male cali skunk. i just bent the male over the female and gave it a tap and the blueberry was dusted with the skunk pollen. if the seeds grow im gonna call it skunkberry. keep in touch and good luck. there are...
i didnt mean to say leds suck, all i know is that the plants under the leds, less than 5 inches are not growing at the excellerated rate as even the cfls. im all for leds because of the heat and power issues that are present with other lights, i still use the leds for cloning