THAT IS A HUUUGE BUD.... and not just huuge but TASTY LOOKING!! amazing first grow!!!!
i wanna know what nutes??
are you growing hydro or in soil?
organic or chem.?
Tell Us maaaaan :) !!!
so how do you suggest he do that... if he doesnt fertilize the plant will have nothing to uptake..... he can bring the ph back down gradually.... if you fertilize with your growth fert and bring its ph down real low it will correct the soils ph in about a week..... rather than flushing.... and...
haze2... your ph at 8 cannot block out the N Completely... its just gonna retain the plant from using as much as it could or should...
Also leafs with an N deficiencies dont recover so your leafs arent gonna get back to green..... No matter how much N you give it...
Try feeding with with your...
.... once you set those plants in the flowering room... they will need you to feed them after about a week..... so i dont think you are over doing it on ferts.... (which would mean you need to flush)... i think they are lacking something...
try giving them some bio grow 1ml/liter of water in...
personally i dont thinkn you need to flush at all..........
what type of soil are you using? Is it a rich soil?? basically your plants vegging are fine you say... that is because they are using the nutes in the soil... and you
Yeah its always good to see what the new generation has found to be effective....
but i live 2hours away from amsterdam... and only 35 minutes away from the dutch border and i can promise you i have never ever heard of a new trend of growers in holland pulling off fan leaves....
But just to be...
you obviously didnt read my post properly.... u remove any leaves that are 50% damaged or more.... So yes, that would mean removing leaves...
but DO NOT remove healthy leaves that are just shading a bud... you can move it, tuck it under, try turn the plant, ... but dont remove the leaf unless...
YESSSSSS I finally got my laughing buddha mother plant... a friend bought the seeds a year ago from barneys in amsterdam... and he didnt grow them till now because of too little growing space but he finally sprouted them with 100% success.... He grew them for 1 and a half months and took 2...
HEy man!! Whatever you do!! do NOT remove fan leaves!!! they will yellow and sometimes fall off when you flush.... Fan leaes are like the lungs of your plant.... if you remove them its less photosynthesis happening... if a few fan leaves are blocking light from the buds just tuck them under...
no need for the CAPITALS.. in typing language thats like screaming... why in the world would you scream about what nutes you could be using?? Its cause of things like this that there is this constant cold war between organic growers and non organic growers....
It is fine to use whatever you...
i keep my mother plants for about 1 year then flower them... i like to change variety so i always keep 3 mothers for 1 year ..when i decide to flower them i trim them back ALOT... till only few big branches stay.. the plant doesnt look all that at first but once it begins its flowering it...
You shouldnt be feelin sorry jester man... More like i should be for baggin on the winner...
its a local cross of cali orange bud and sativa dominant male... but not sure what.....
keep it green in love and under JAHLight .. :)
NO deficiencies here jester.. All my other varieties went perfectly fine..... check out my other grows.......
I am bad looser... but thats not a part of my character..... i really believe other people had much bettter chances of winning...
thats why i had to come out and say it... The winners...
it looks good... like alot of other buds all over the site...
But i just wanna know which one of all those pictures sureshot posted made it the winner cause i only see 1 pic which could be the winner...
good ol green buds... thats what i saw.. nothing that hits the eye!! or Make you mouth...
i wish i had more varieties right now i could post but everything is just veggging... dont wanna put pics of plants with no bud on em.. its like a movie with no actors!!!
so ill be posting as soon as flowers start appearing on my next bunch....
but why is NO one posting any funky, EXotic MJ...