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  1. oldtimer54


    Hillary Clintons new best friend !
  2. oldtimer54

    toking in a cafe Restaurant toilet and/or kitchen

    I know things have changed over the years but when I was young I'd go in buzzed go to lunch come back buzzed and would be looking forward to getting off and the ride home for yet another trip to buzz city. I never considered toking up while at the work place. Unless I was working construction.
  3. oldtimer54

    dumb and boring

    A quote from the movie Stripes comes to mind. "Lighten up Francis"
  4. oldtimer54

    Best Quotes of all time?

    " What we've got here is failure to communicate"
  5. oldtimer54

    Hippies or Yuppies?

    There is a huge lake that straddles the north carolina & Virginia border very close to where I live. For many decades the land surrounding the lake consisted of single family homes and farms . But as time passed the farms were sold off and gated communities sprung up all along the shore of the...
  6. oldtimer54

    Pokemon Go, the new Darwin Award Accessory

    I need not join them for my exercise . I bike 10 miles a day 5 days a week . I'm all for whatever gets u outta your house and moving.
  7. oldtimer54

    Pokemon Go, the new Darwin Award Accessory

    Just like Bob Dylan said the times they are a changing. I also saw the story about the VCR's. My wife just retired after 40 plus years at the same company. She started at the company doing secretarial work. We were unloading some of the things out of her office and I came across a notebook...
  8. oldtimer54

    Pokemon Go, the new Darwin Award Accessory

    Pokeman will soon fall by the wayside just like 8 track tapes, flagpole sitting, swallowing goldfish, discos and people who listen to unclebuck!
  9. oldtimer54

    Christ myth theory

    Jesus loves me this I know For the bible tells me so Little ones to him belong They are weak but he is strong
  10. oldtimer54

    I threw a tomato at comcast

    I still remember the good ole 8' satellite dish days before anything was scrambled it all was free ! Living in the country like we do and with terrible cell phone service and internet speed that barely rivals that of old fashioned dial up we had to go with direct tv for our entertainment. Over...
  11. oldtimer54

    Santa Ana police dept fires officers in pot video case

    Several years back I had an encounter with a local sheriff's deputy. I had a rural paper route. I had been delivering papers for about 18 months and had never seen any law while on my route. One night I rolled up to a 4 way stop way out in the country. There was a convenience store on the right...
  12. oldtimer54

    I love My Pillow.

    I've been enjoying my pillows for about 4 decades now . My wife, who was also made in America came equipped with some fantastic pillows.
  13. oldtimer54

    i think i drink too much probiotics

    I'd like to be in the AA meeting where you tell your story Hello my name is iHearAll I'm an alcoholic my path to destruction started with probiotics. Hell I had an uncle that drank old spice to catch a buzz !
  14. oldtimer54

    North Carolina

    We usually find an interesting area and then start searching for places to stay. We usually rent cabins for the week thru rental agencies.VRBO.COM Lake Lure is a very nice place you can rent pontoon boats and cruise the lake. The film Dirty Dancing was made in Lake Lure years ago. There are...
  15. oldtimer54

    North Carolina

    Being a resident of NC. Our family has been enjoying Atlantic beach for years. Our favorite place to stay was Tar landing it was very close to the entrance of Fort Macon State park. We recently started going to Lake Lure NC. In the western part of the state. If you enjoy the mountains I would...
  16. oldtimer54

    Yard sale/flea market/car boot/thrift store finds - Anyone else into this stuff?

    In the state in which I reside they just had the 301 endless yard sale it happens every year at the same time Friday thru sunday. Over a hundred mile stretch of two lane country black top that goes thru many small towns. And all along that stretch of Route 301 there are literally 100 's of...
  17. oldtimer54

    The No Fly List

    I put myself on the no fly list many years ago. If I never see the inside of another plane it's fine with me . Fuck flying ! If I need to get there I'll drive or brush up on my remote viewing techniques .
  18. oldtimer54

    Oh! My cock! My cock!

    I've had chickens for the last 20 plus years. I've lost more than a few over the years but none of them have been run over. Coyote, dogs and hawks all have dined on my chickens over the years and all have suffered for their dining choices with the exception of the hawk. Several years back I...
  19. oldtimer54

    What do you do with your cannabis proceeds? non legal states/countries'

    I donate my profits to the UNCLE BUCK FOR PRESIDENT CAMPAIGN Fund . He's slated to begin campaigning in 2018 . I've knew of him back when he was just a small time treadmill salesman !
  20. oldtimer54

    You might be at the waffle house if...

    You might be at the waffle house if your 300 lb waitressaurus calls you honey Babe or sugar or you like your hash browns scattered,covered and smothered.