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  1. shagg909

    First grow opinions

    post some pics of your new plants man (:
  2. shagg909

    First Grow Plant Problems HELP!!

    Skiddy, Make a thread in the problems section and upload some photos with a brief history on plant and im sure someone will help you out. Arro that plant looks pretty healthy maybe just overwatered, nice fat stem on her! Good luck man. Shagg:leaf:
  3. shagg909

    Whats wrong Help Please!

    hey there, do you have any photos of the plant in its current condition? post a pic and give me a brief history and il do my best to help you out. Shagg:leaf:
  4. shagg909

    cfl closet grow

    yeah that makes sense man, might not invest in lights after all (: will post an update shortly Shagg
  5. shagg909

    fan causing droopy leaves?

    yeah a fan blowing directly on it wouldnt stress it that much, id say over watering aswell, try watering less and make sure soil drys out
  6. shagg909

    cfl closet grow

    really? I thought it started in october haha, yeah i probably will put them out side at some stage still a bit chilly in chch at the moment Shagg:leaf:
  7. shagg909

    HELP!!!! My plant leaves are withering!!!

    changing your light cycle shouldnt make your plant wither,it could be water stress man, how often you water it and how far away do you have lights and what lights are you using? give me a brief history and il do my best to help you out. Shagg
  8. shagg909

    2 week old seedlings

    im on my first grow aswell man, and iv had my fair share of problems i tell ya. happy blazing Shagg
  9. shagg909

    Spots on top leafs and limp fan leaves

    hey Dusty, hope this helps Shagg
  10. shagg909

    disagreement with friend over lighting. please shed some light..

    Yeah due to the size of the room aswell, more light needed man Shagg
  11. shagg909

    2 week old seedlings

    hey there, Im no expert but I would imagine that the 400w light may be a bit much for the seedlings. it messes up the chlorophyll in the leaves when there's to much light causing discolour, papery leaves etc. You might be better to go back to CFLs till the plant is more ready for the 400w (...
  12. shagg909

    cfl closet grow

    oh yes that was from when i knocked the plants over :( thanks for the suggestion sabarius! Shagg:leaf:
  13. shagg909

    stems purple??

    hey dude, I had the exact same worry with my babies, but i can assure you it is nothing to worry about, nice healthy looking plant you got there man good luck Shagg:leaf:
  14. shagg909

    CFL, Stealth, Mini scrog, GodfatherOG, DIY EVERYTHING, First grow.

    hey dude, first off let me say that is a wicked set up! plants are looking great aswell, my grow box is pretty much a half arse version of that. check out my journal man and if you got any advice dont hesitate! much respect Shagg:leaf:
  15. shagg909

    Just sunburn right?

    Dyna Ryda, Im not 100% sure but from my limited knowledge purple stems are caused by a lack of phosphorus hope that helps :-o Shagg:leaf:
  16. shagg909

    cfl closet grow

    s sorry for the poor quality, will use better camera next time.. so the first two photos are from last night, bout 22 hours ago, so a little progress i suppose. Today was quite sunny so I figured id put my babys on the windowsill to get soe natural light, dont know whether this is a good idea...
  17. shagg909

    cfl closet grow

    Hello all! I have been a lurker of this website for a long time, i have finally got a hold of some seeds (don't know what strain) and planted them in a seedling container. At present i have two lovely, green seedings about 1" tall. Im using a 23w CFL bulb at the moment, i am fully aware this...
  18. shagg909

    Seedling dying! Cfl change?

    hey dimebong, glad to see your plants made a recovery dude! looking real good, all the best for your grow ! ​Shagg
  19. shagg909

    Over-watered or under-watered???

    dead right football first, ok man we just found your problem, you have about 3 too many flourescent tubes, try using just one of those tubes as 48k lumens is far too much for a 2 week old plant to handle, you are burning the chlorophyll and effectively cooking it. thus giving your leaves that...
  20. shagg909

    Over-watered or under-watered???

    have a look at the soil around the plant, is it quite often dry and crumbly and light in colour or is it dark and moist? also what kind of lights are you using and how far away from the plant are they? Maybe hold off on transplanting them today dude, it is a stressful proccess for a plant and is...