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  1. FreedomWorks

    The Minimum Income Allocation..Income Base For Just "Being"..

    How can it be bunk, if it's been proven to work? Your ideology about how more government control helps the economy is a recipe for disaster. People that can't even set up a website being in charge of my health care sounds like a "train wreck." -Democrat Senator Baucus I've heard the phrase...
  2. FreedomWorks

    America's racists roots

    Just ignore him. He's a Democrat trying to make Republicans look bad
  3. FreedomWorks

    The Minimum Income Allocation..Income Base For Just "Being"..

    Stephanie Kelton is a radical progressive way out in left field. She has no understanding of supply side economics Stephanie Kelton's 12 Step Program for the Economy Admit that the real economy is powerless against a de-regulated and de-supervised financial system Recognize that the...
  4. FreedomWorks

    Colorado rats deserting the ship and circumventing the will of the people

    Are you trying to get this thread shut down? Your posts will soon be deleted. Proud of being a bigot makes you no better than the Liberals we hate so much. Nobody wants to hear about it...
  5. FreedomWorks

    Obama's Power Grab to Gain Control of Private Property

    Progressives have all the easy answers. Wish I could explain the massive expansion of government with pictures of some kittens. Wish I was ignorant enough to believe that tyranny happens overnight, instead of acknowledging the fact that its instituted in a series of small, fast moving steps...
  6. FreedomWorks

    Why Do Progressives Feel They Are Entitled

    It's a verb. You're an idiot
  7. FreedomWorks

    Obama's Power Grab to Gain Control of Private Property

    By way of Executive Order, and without approval from Congress, the EPA's draft rule redefines “waters of the United States” under the CWA to include all natural and man-made tributary streams, lakes, ponds and wetlands that affect downstream navigable waters. The proposed rule is...
  8. FreedomWorks

    Thanks? Giving?

    The first Thanksgiving was about giving thanks to god. Just thought I'd mention that to piss off a few liberals.
  9. FreedomWorks

    Obama's Power Grab to Gain Control of Private Property

    Happy holidays from the Obama administration. Federal agencies are currently working on rolling out hundreds of environmental regulations, including major regulations that would limit emissions from power plants and expand the agency’s authority to bodies of water on private property. On...
  10. FreedomWorks

    Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

    Well sure, I could just as easily start a thread about my disgust with Congress. Post about it all the time.
  11. FreedomWorks

    Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

    You only believe in private ownership because the government has the power to tax the hell out of people. But what happens when the government eventually runs out of other people's money? You will be calling for the government to take control of more and more of the private sector. Not just...
  12. FreedomWorks

    Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

    Buck doesn't have the ability rationalize or listen to reason. All of that gets filtered out because his mental capacity won't allow it.
  13. FreedomWorks

    Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

    Your constant need to look for the simple answer or the easy explanation just shows you're not very intelligent. That's why most of your arguments end with calling somebody a racist, and then declaring victory. The only reason Democraps like you won't admit you're communist, and identify to...
  14. FreedomWorks

    Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

    Any way to get around Congress is the Obama way
  15. FreedomWorks

    Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

    Is that why you try changing the subject to Chris Christie or the debt ceiling or whatever you possibly can? So that we don't need to go on about how Obama is constantly threatening to impose his will WITHOUT Congress?
  16. FreedomWorks

    Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

    It won't pass. The house won't let it. That was just one example of many. Go back to the OP. I'm telling you what the Democrat party wants. What their agenda is. To concentrate more and more power in the hands of Barack Obama.
  17. FreedomWorks

    Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

    All Democrats behind it. With the president's full support. You're argument is weak. You wanted to bring up the debt ceiling, so there you go. Democrats want more tyranny.
  18. FreedomWorks

    Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

    The Senate is in the process of drafting a bill to give the president power to increase the debt cieling automatically through executive fiat. The only way to stop the ceiling from rising and then come crashing down would be if congress can pass a bill to stop it, and then get the president to...
  19. FreedomWorks

    Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

    Obama said the law was constitutional AS IS. That turned out to be a lie. The supreme court re wrote the law for him. Changing the wording from fees and fines to taxes, amongst other things. The supreme court has not yet ruled on whether the ACA violates religious rights. :dunce: One man with...