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  1. FreedomWorks

    Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

    That is what Obama claims, but since when has anything he ever said been true? Administration officials haven’t explained their legal reasoning, and they haven’t scheduled any public briefings to explain the move. He doesn't have the authority to not enforce the law. That's not...
  2. FreedomWorks

    Liberal Media Desperately Trying To Cover-up Violent Knockout Game

    This is all just normal behavior. It's not a news story unless the victim is black
  3. FreedomWorks

    Obama Uses Executive Order to Delay Small Business Sign-Ups

    Once again Obama uses power he doesn't have to change the law. Yesterday our Imperial President issued an order to delay small business sign ups for Obamacare one year via executive fiat. Should the president be allowed to break the law and postpone the wrecking ball until 2 weeks after the mid...
  4. FreedomWorks

    IRS defines new rules for 501cs

    More like you getting anal probed with an assault rifle.
  5. FreedomWorks

    IRS defines new rules for 501cs

    You obviously didn't move to San Jose for a job opportunity. You have WAY too much time on your hands. Get a life.
  6. FreedomWorks

    Killing The "We Paid Our Taxes; We Earned Our Benefits" Social Security Ponzi Meme

    We don't need to go back to the first Thanksgiving. But yes, some tax and regulation roll backs would be nice. This is why nobody believes you are a Capitalist buck. You sound just like a Communist
  7. FreedomWorks

    Killing The "We Paid Our Taxes; We Earned Our Benefits" Social Security Ponzi Meme

    You totally and completely missed the analogy buck... People need to work to provide for themselves and their family. Sorry if reality interferes with your idea of what a perfect world looks like
  8. FreedomWorks

    Killing The "We Paid Our Taxes; We Earned Our Benefits" Social Security Ponzi Meme

    That is basically the same thing as asking a slave to voluntarily admit they are a slave, if they choose to stay alive
  9. FreedomWorks

    Did the government realize the tax implications of Obamacare?

    If you put their ass on partial unemployment for a week, then it's basically the same thing as a paid vacation
  10. FreedomWorks

    2016 Senate line-up

    You forgot to mention that Reagan also used to be a Democrat. I don't understand where you are going with all this deep seated hatred for Ronald Reagan Sr. , not Jr. I know how you love Jr. We have all been to or at least seen the dark side at one point in our lives. As for Reagan, he knew how...
  11. FreedomWorks

    2016 Senate line-up

    WTF Buck? What is with the spam-nation of Liberal photoshop pictures on Reagan?
  12. FreedomWorks

    2016 Senate line-up

    He's talking about tank mounted war guns and AK-47s. Not an AR15. You Libs in San Jose want to ban semi-automatic rifles and such. You want to turn innocent people into criminals overnight, with your crazy stupid laws.
  13. FreedomWorks

    2016 Senate line-up

    Haven't we had enough of the Bush family already? First Daddy Bush ruined everything Reagan put in place, then baby George Bush the Fiscal Socialist comes to power and grows government. Now we have to deal with Jeb Bush??? Oh God the horror! Fiscal socialism. The definition for this term...
  14. FreedomWorks

    2016 Senate line-up

    Are we talking a bout Jeb Bush? Please god, tell me it's not true
  15. FreedomWorks

    Did the government realize the tax implications of Obamacare?

    Joe Biden gives an average of $370 to charity per year. A guy who has gotten rich as a life long politician.
  16. FreedomWorks

    Why Do Progressives Feel They Are Entitled

    Are you talking about Obama? If yes, then I finally agree with you about something
  17. FreedomWorks

    Did the government realize the tax implications of Obamacare?

    If it can move. Tax it. If you can touch it. Tax it. If you can have fun with it. Tax it. If you can smell it. Tax it. If you can taste it. Tax it.
  18. FreedomWorks

    No Consensus on 'Man Made' cause of Global Warming....

    Leo's wife has the slender body of a little boy. Leo acts gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It's just not my thing.
  19. FreedomWorks

    No Consensus on 'Man Made' cause of Global Warming....

    I don't like Tom Cruise. I just think he's a better actor than your beloved Leo DiFagrio, the man boy who acts like a queer in every movie he does.