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  1. M

    Dual Grow, Miracle Grow & CFL with AK48 and Power Skunk

    Here they are growing strong...:weed: One is almost 4' and the other is 2'
  2. M

    Do I have a Hermie? What to do?

    I do not want to cut up a hermie but I have already moved here somewhere else not too far from the other girls but one last look please.
  3. M

    Dual Grow, Miracle Grow & CFL with AK48 and Power Skunk

    I think one of the three left is a hermie...
  4. M

    Do I have a Hermie? What to do?

    Can anyone tell me if I have a hermie on my hands? It is not a full fledge boy since I have two boys and they have no hair like this one and I have a girl which has no balls what so ever. If this is a hermie, should I remove from the other two girls I have?
  5. M

    How quicky does sex show in flowering?

    well I got two boys and three girls and one died for some reason. What can I do with the boys as they are growing still (somewhere else not near the girls)? Hash maybe? Can I get some weed from the boys?
  6. M

    How quicky does sex show in flowering?

    Wanted to post pictures (been in flowering one week today) I think they are males but maybe hermie or something.... This represents two of my six plants. The other three look like girls, no balls of any kind, just hair coming out of different places. One had a heart attack of some kind.
  7. M

    Dual Grow, Miracle Grow & CFL with AK48 and Power Skunk

    Are these males, hermies or what? I am guessing they are males. I posted earlier one of my potential girls had a heart attack and then there are these two. The other three have nothing like these "things" on them, they are jsut growing tall and have white hairs growing where these "balls" are...
  8. M

    Dual Grow, Miracle Grow & CFL with AK48 and Power Skunk

    well one of my plants had a heart attack. One day she was fine and the nxt she was, well limp and deader than a doornail. I have no idea wtf happened, no temp issue, I did not water and poof it was over, I think. Here are the pics. First picture was Friday (the plant on the right, small one)...
  9. M

    Dual Grow, Miracle Grow & CFL with AK48 and Power Skunk

    been a minute since i last updated but here it is.... started flowering on Sunday after 7 weeks vegging. i changed all the 6500k cfl's with 2700k cfl's. since i have a couple of tall onesm i left 2 6500k cfl's to light the bottom of the taller ones. I have a confirmed Male so I got him outta...
  10. M

    How quicky does sex show in flowering?

    My plants have been flowering for 3 days under 14 cfl @ 2700 temp lights 12/12. They were vegging for 7 weeks. Today I noticed one of them with what looked like seed packs growing. Is it too fast to show sex? I will upload pics later off to work.
  11. M

    Miracle Grow and Nutes

    I do have a ph meter that I am not using, also I do not leave the water standing for a day. maybe two contributing factors. Let me see what the ph is.
  12. M

    Miracle Grow and Nutes

    This is my first grow and for someone that has never grown shit, it has been pretty easy. I do want to get some nice bud out of this grow. My issue is getting foxfarm locally (i have to go online to get it). I have never transplanted (well I did a cup to MG but they were really small) so I...
  13. M

    eBay Tents experience

    no one? anything?
  14. M

    Miracle Grow and Nutes

    ok, yes, my next grow I will probably go with foxfarm soil which I think will be once I start to flower these (which I think I will do next week). that being said, any advice on my pants now? Throwing out 6 plants which can produce some yield is better than nothing.
  15. M

    Miracle Grow and Nutes

    hey gang, Been vegging 5 weeks, plants look decent but I see some trouble. I water every 4 days tap water. No nutes but I am beginning to see some issues. Pics are worth 1000 words. Help please.
  16. M

    Dual Grow, Miracle Grow & CFL with AK48 and Power Skunk

    Here is an update on my plants. I think I am having nutrient issues (or lack thereof). Take a look, please some feedback. Anyone using MG and nutes, I would really like your input as well.
  17. M

    eBay Tents experience

    hey gang, I need to get a grow tent. Does anyone have ant experience with any of these two. Both are on ebay...
  18. M

    Sex in Veg and rouge plants.....

    thanks for the weed tip....kinda finny that weeds are growing in my Weed.... thanks for the links. does not look like a male....thank god. just going to wait a few more weeks, hopefully they are girls :)