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  1. p4stlife

    Problems with Coco Blend Anyone??

    Posted in plant problems but the post was ignored, probably because it was too detailed. If anyone cares, here is the link: Thank you for your time.
  2. p4stlife

    Help! NEW brand of Coco soil

    READ ENTIRE POST BEFORE YOU JUDGE, SWIM WANTs EDUCATED/EXPERIENCED ADVISE, NOT BULLSHIT FROM YOU TROLLS OUT THERE. SWIM picked up a new brand of coco soil from kellogs.. May be the root of the problem, but not sure. Here are the details: (Clones - Mazari) planted 2/26/12 (4weeks old)...
  3. p4stlife

    2wweks into Flower and ROT??

    I think they are doing OK. There is some pistil dye-back(turning yellow) on some buds but that may be from excessive heat + Azamax drench stress. I will edit this post later when I take a pic outside of the HID lights
  4. p4stlife

    botanicare! PBPG, LK

    The only negative thing I have to say about Botanicare's line up is that they sell to the "Organic" growers but their nutrients aren't really organic, and you have to Flush the soil every 3-4 weeks or you'll develop toxic salt buildup. If you don't throw down the cash for Distilled water or...
  5. p4stlife

    What's the LARGEST CLone you've Rooted?

    Well the point of taking a larger cutting would be to vend to a club, offering larger clones. They pay by how tall the clone is, not by how long it's been in vegetative state. (at least this one does). They pay 4-5 bucks a piece for clones, but if they are taller, they are worth more. As long as...
  6. p4stlife

    Powdery mildew on clones? HELP!

    Don't stick them under the lights with others in veg just yet. It will spread if your environment favors PM growth. Deal with the PM first. If your strapped for cash use 1 tbs Baking soda in 1gal of water. Maybe a few drops of liquid castile soap. (Dr. Bronner is good).. PM also can not grow...
  7. p4stlife

    cloning budsites?

    This is crazy. I assume the clone will just Veg out and resume growth like normal if it does take. How did you clone a bud? What medium? I'd think it would just mold and decay being flower material. I am about to take a cutting from a fully budded plant to attempt to root it, but I'm going to...
  8. p4stlife

    What's the LARGEST CLone you've Rooted?

    So I have an LA confidential that is just blasting into outer space with new growth. There is a lot of undergrowth that may start to restrict airflow from all the thick foliage. I want to take some large clones so I can get some big plants real fast. What is the largest clone anyone has ever...
  9. p4stlife

    2wweks into Flower and ROT??

    I added another oscillating fan. The color is turning more purple on the calyxes and fruity purple smell of grape ape is finally popping up. What still concerns me though is the reddish tone on the inside of the smallest leaves in the buds. Also the yellowing pistils. But I did spray it with...
  10. p4stlife

    2wweks into Flower and ROT??

    Dam that blows man. Sorry to hear about that. I am stressing and it's only one plant. I have others in veg that I want to trigger but I have to wait now. Do you know if spraying a fungicide or adding sulpher to the soil will stop this?? I hear baking soda cures powdery mildew, but if this is...
  11. p4stlife

    2wweks into Flower and ROT??

    Information on grow: Grape Ape, closet grow (sterilized with bleach before setup) Indoor 400w HPS + a few blue CFLs (12/12) 5 gal. Root pot, (Fiber pot) Fox Farm OF soil + 2tbs Dolomite per gallon, Tap water (Sitting out for 24hrs) ever other day or every 3 depending on need/amount watered No...
  12. p4stlife

    What to do with Moldy Buds??

    So I tried the H2O2 thing. They are getting pretty dry with the fan so I'm just air drying them now. They still smell pretty funky. Should I use this to make butter/hash? Or will the spores still be present after?
  13. p4stlife

    What to do with Moldy Buds??

    Thanks for the link.. This is genius.. (for Powdery Mildew) Will this Salvage buds that fave fallen to Bud Rot though?(Not the nasty brown stuff, but the semi OK stuff) Mine is obviously not a surface mildew growth like PM, it's in the plant material.
  14. p4stlife

    Whos going till November?

    Started late, Caterpillars, Rain and lack of maintenance on the outdoor stuff.. This plant should have finished Nov. 5th instead, it's a moldy mess.. I just chopped it to salvage what I can Fuck trying to go to November. I'll have to build some type of cover next time if I do.
  15. p4stlife

    What to do with Moldy Buds??

    I have two outdoor plants that literally went to shit. First, They got eaten and shit on by caterpillars. Then the rain came and got them too wet. ..One night I got drunk and sprayed them with Organicide (Cod liver oil) I forgot you're not supposed to spray the buds with that stuff...
  16. p4stlife

    Ever meet anyone allergic to weed?

    I know a guy that has seizures from it as well. He isn't a bullshitter. We are in Greenhouse production together at school. He wishes he could smoke but last time he woke up in the back of a Ambulance after one bong rip. He's done all kinds of other drugs though, and pretty frequent so who knows...
  17. p4stlife

    Flash FLood, My girl was under water

    I had a similar issue, except it was splatters of rain water that got mine dirty. That was last week or so. I didn't clean them off in fear of spraying off trichomes. now my plant smells kinda funky. I think my buds are rotting. I just chopped mine down probably 2-3 weeks early.. FML
  18. p4stlife

    There is DIRT on my weed, any tips on cleaning

    Similar problem here. Mine is done but it got rain water the last few days and I just chopped it. The outer layer is really dirty. I'm going to get to trimming but I don't want to dry it like this. I want to get the dirt off first. Should I spray it off with the hose/dip it in water?? Cant we...
  19. p4stlife

    Justice Department announces crackdown on mmj

    These people worship 12 ft. tall human energy sucking reptilians from another dimensions' outer space. We are fucked. They will kill you, dead before they legalize mj in any way shape or form.
  20. p4stlife

    Home-made Wetting Agent Application Frequency

    Thanks cocodreams, I have been looking into coco coir as well, I'm just a little strapped for cash right now, plus I have a 4 cubic ft. compacted peat bail so I might as well put it to some use. we are using coco in the greenhouse at my school. I have not tried it with my medicine though. One...