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  1. EsmeWeatherwax

    to flower or not to flower... that is the question

    It all depends on how tall you want her when done, remember she will double or tripple in size when you switch to 12/12.
  2. EsmeWeatherwax

    anyone ever tried this???

    I think it can be done I have not tried it but haveeen it done on other threads, clone like normal, the clone will revert to veg state.
  3. EsmeWeatherwax

    trimming plants

    Don't cut the leaves, they feed the buds. When the plants are done harvest the tops then put them back under the lights and let the lower stuff fatten up.
  4. EsmeWeatherwax

    linear light mover - Advise please

    What lights are you running now?
  5. EsmeWeatherwax

    red spider mites

    I tried the co2 and it did not work for me. I might not have had it high enough for long enough. If you have a small sealed room the best thing is the hot shot pest strips from lowes.
  6. EsmeWeatherwax

    Do LIGHT RAILS make plants stretch? what nutes stop stretching?

    With a light mover you can put the light much closer to the tops of the plants as the hotspot moves, this will cut down on the stretching a bit.
  7. EsmeWeatherwax

    rockwool clone to soil?

    FFOF may be a little to high in nutes for the clones and burn them, I go into fert free soil to start but I am thinking about trying FF Light Warrior on my next ones.
  8. EsmeWeatherwax

    Does this stem look normal?

    I am not sure what they are but I have seen them on some of my plants and they do not seem to be anything bad, they went all through flowering with no problems.
  9. EsmeWeatherwax

    I may have to start watching this dyke more often!

    The Dems want to use reconciliation to pass health care reform which is not the nuclear option, it is the same rule that the repubs used to pass Bushes trillion $ tax giveaway to the rich and to pass medicare part D ( a huge gift to the insurance co's and big pharma ). The polls when asked with...
  10. EsmeWeatherwax

    How do I STOP plants from growing taller???

    If you cut the main stem down 40-50 % and then give one more week to veg it will grow 2 or three main tops instead of the one and you can clone off the top.
  11. EsmeWeatherwax

    HELP!! - Setting up my new Secret Jardin Grow tent..

    I am not sure on the easy rollers as I did not use them with my tent, it looks like they have eyes on them, would the poles fit through the eyes? if not you could use tie wraps or if they have screws yo could place a 2x4 across the top over thecross poles and screw them to that. As for the fan...
  12. EsmeWeatherwax

    24hrs of light for seedlings?

    I would go 20/4 or 18/6 plants need a rest time.
  13. EsmeWeatherwax

    HELP!! - Setting up my new Secret Jardin Grow tent..

    Hello, on top of the frame there are four cross bars put two in each direction put one set on top of the others, this will be the pair you hang the light from with the weight spread over the four bars. There are multiple holes to run your cables through with pull strings to close them tight...
  14. EsmeWeatherwax

    help please asap : BUGS!

    If they are only on one plant (so far) make sure it is not touching the others as the mites will spread. Get a couple of hot shot pest strips from Lowes and put close to the plant and that should kill them off.
  15. EsmeWeatherwax

    Just joined.

    Welcome, enjoy the site. There is a lot of great info here.
  16. EsmeWeatherwax

    2 questions bout mites?

    Good luck, they are tough to kill. What ever you use treat three times as you can kill the mites but not the eggs. If you have a small grow room the hot shot pest strips work well.
  17. EsmeWeatherwax

    Power use with smart meters worries and ??

    The smart meters are a good thing, you can adjust your light times and cut your costs a lot. The power co's want you to use more power during off peak hrs. The meter tells them how much you use and at what times and they will charge different rates for day and night. If you run your lights at...
  18. EsmeWeatherwax

    Growing the tree of life (40ft in a grain silo)

    I think we all need to see the pics.
  19. EsmeWeatherwax

    Accidentally cut my plant in half..

    You did not cut it in half, you topped it. You should get two or three main colas now.
  20. EsmeWeatherwax

    lack of N or just budding?

    I would add some N, healthy leaves make better buds.