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  1. G

    has anyone used

    but isnt there a law that stops you from useing prepaid card for international orders?wich card did yall use?i have a green dot walmart pre paid mastercard.will that work?
  2. G

    Need a good grow light set up for the low low?Here you go XD !! its only $125.75 and its free 2 day delivery 1- Dimmable...
  3. G

    has anyone used

    srry wrong post section
  4. G

    has anyone used

    has anyone sent cash in envolope to them?im a lil sketchy about puting money in the mail.if so how long did it take for you to get your seeds.
  5. G

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links Apollo Horticulture MH HPS Grow Light Digital Dimmable Ballast System for Plants - Gull Wing Hood Reflector Set $125.75 with 1 400/ w mh and 1...
  6. G

    has anyone used

    has anyone sent cash in envolope to them?im a lil sketchy about puting money in the mail.if so how long did it take for you to get your seeds.
  7. G

    noob question about lighting.

    how far above the plant should i keep a 600 w mh light for veg in a space that is 3 ft 8 inch long and 2 feet wide?
  8. G

    plants that yeild 700 grams?wtf?

    i knew it was to good to be true XD
  9. G

    plants that yeild 700 grams?wtf?

    im going to order some seeds,and the sites i look at all say there seeds will yeild these crazy amounts of bud,like 200-600 grams,is that true?how is that evan posible? like this one
  10. G

    plants that yeild over 400 grams?

    im going to order some seeds,and the sites i look at all say there seeds will yeild these crazy amounts of bud,like 200-600 grams,is that true?how is that evan posible? like this one says harvest up to 700 grams
  11. G

    how to order seeds online?

    thank you for your help!i will post resaults :)
  12. G

    how to order seeds online?

    can you give me a link to the nirvana site?i googled it but there a few diff nirvana sites for seeds.idk wich one is the real one lol
  13. G

    how to order seeds online?

    i want to order seeds online,but i hear that pre paid cards dint work over seas unless u enable it with the issuer with valid info,this site is sapose to be in the usa has anyone ever ordered from them?are they a scam? is there a legit site in the usa to get seeds...
  14. G

    another noobie question :)

    lol,there is a option to up grade to the 600w bulbs and the web page,those r the ones imma go with XD
  15. G

    question about a growing light imma buy.

    lol sorry and thanks
  16. G

    any ideas why my plants look like this?

    sweet lol i was wondering y my plants where all twisted and bent at wierd angle XD and the lights are 1 175w florecent grow light,2 cfl 14w,and 2 175w agr0-light grow light thanks for all the help guys,i cant wait to get my new light and some white widow,ac desieal and some afgani dream...
  17. G

    question about a growing light imma buy.

    i know,i just dont like anoying the same person with a bunch of noob questions XD
  18. G

    another noobie question :)

    the mh bulb im buying is 36 k and the hps is 54k lumens.and the space im growing in is my closet,its like 4 feet by 2 and a half feet.too small?
  19. G

    question about a growing light imma buy.

    thanks,i been reading alot of post lately and askin about anything im not sure about,just to make sure i dont fk up this current grow is 18 days old and looks like this my plants r lil pussies lol :neutral:
  20. G

    another noobie question :)

    so imma buy this imma get the two bulbs that are a 600 watt hm and a 600 watt hps and imma order some ac desiel and some...