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  1. G

    is this normal?

    sorry i cant get any pics up,so ill try to be detailed,so i have 7 plants in total,but 3 of them are looking a little strange i think,they are 9 days old and about 5 inches,they just started to a third set of leafs.but they very first are still almost verticall,i would epspect them to grow...
  2. G

    is this a good light to use?

    cool,thanks for all the help!
  3. G

    is this a good light to use?

    is there anything cheaper that i could buy?
  4. G

    is this a good light to use?

    so im gonna order a light for my plants when they reach a flowering stage,is this a good deal?is this the correct set up to use for my 4 plants?(im gonna clone so im prbaly gonna end up with about 5-8 plants)heres a link to what i wanna buy...
  5. G

    i need helpfull advise for my growing setup please.

    thanks,ur very helpfull,i will post my progress pics as soon as i get a cam lol XD
  6. G

    i need helpfull advise for my growing setup please.

    thanks,so when should i move them into bigger pots,right now there in about a 6x5 pots,and would it b okay for me to switch the soils when i transfer them?or maybe mix the current soil with a diff type of soil when tranfering?cause right now i have them in some seeding pot soil mixed with some...
  7. G

    i need helpfull advise for my growing setup please.

    cause i heard that hps lights works great for veg and flowering,im still a noob lol its my first official grow XD
  8. G

    i need helpfull advise for my growing setup please.

    cool,cause i just read on anouther post that the lights i just bought r bad,that they dry up ur plants and soil,and are not very effective,but as of now the tempiture is fine and they r nice and bright,and yeah i have my outher 3 lights abiut a foot from the plants (they dont produce much heat...
  9. G

    i need helpfull advise for my growing setup please.

    thanks,i plan on geting the outher lights around chrismas time,should b fine untill then right?
  10. G

    i need helpfull advise for my growing setup please.

    so,i have 4 plants that just sprouted and i have a few more germinating,and i was planning on geting 2 400w high presure sodium lights,but my local homedepot didnt have any sockets that would fit instead i got 2 120w agro-light grow lights,i already have 2 14w cfl ans 1 70w 24 inch...
  11. G

    i need advice on my growing lights

    thanks for the advice,ill go with 1 mh and 1 hps,(i have a few more seeds germinating),apreciate your help :)
  12. G

    i need advice on my growing lights

    so i curently have 4 plants that just sprouted,im using 2 cfl 14w and a 70 w florencent grow light,it seems that is not nearly enough,i dont want to have to keep buying a new lamp for every cfl i was thinking about buying 2 hid lights to add to it,how many hid lights do i have to have...
  13. G

    my seeds still have not sprouted.

    thanks guys for taking the time to help me,i apreciate :D
  14. G

    my seeds still have not sprouted.

    i see,dam i should have resaerched more before i planted them,imma go ahead and try to seperate now,hopefully i wont trumitize the seeds in the prossces
  15. G

    my seeds still have not sprouted.

    or should i just find some makeshift thing to plant them in and try to seperate them right now,before they sprout?
  16. G

    my seeds still have not sprouted.

    is it ok if i seperate them after they sprout about an inch?cause i am running out of things to plant them in
  17. G

    my seeds still have not sprouted.

    they might piss on it lol
  18. G

    my seeds still have not sprouted.

    lol good luck this time :D my first atempt was pretty good,my plant was a short but stocky type lol,make it ti about 2 months and my friend acedently killed it(my best advice is to not let a drunk friend go near ur plants XD
  19. G

    my seeds still have not sprouted.

    thanks ill upgrade XD ,,how did ur first atemp go?
  20. G

    my seeds still have not sprouted.

    i have 4 seprate pots,each have about 2-4 seeds in them,i plan on seperating them before there roots have a chance to tangle up