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  1. G

    question about a growing light imma buy.

    wich bulb should i use for veg and flowering?or does it not really matter?
  2. G

    question about a growing light imma buy.

    lol thanks,just making sure i dont waste my money like i did with my current grow :(
  3. G

    question about a growing light imma buy.

    so im about to buy this set up my current grow isnt doin so well,so i might start over with this light and order some seeds...
  4. G

    any ideas why my plants look like this?

    lmao,my next grow imma use a hps 400w for veg,my lil plants pussies :(
  5. G

    why are my plants so small?

    i plan on buying a 400w hps grow light set up for the flowering,ill probly only have 2 r 3 females so 1 light should do just fine,and my light cycle was 18/6 but i just changed 2 days ago to 24 hours light trying to see if that helps them grow faster.
  6. G

    why are my plants so small?

    my plants are 18 days old,why are they so small?how far off are they from the size there sapose to be at that age?how will they b efected in flowering if there not growing right in there veg state?thanks the lights are 2 14 w cfl,2 175 w agr0-light grow light and 1 175 24 inch florecent grow...
  7. G

    my plant only has one true leaf?why?

    thanks ill do that
  8. G

    my plant only has one true leaf?why?

    there are 2 cfl 14 w,1 24 inch 175 w florecent grow light and 2 175 w agro-light grow lights i just recently move the two 175 w lights closer,i think they were too high up,could that b y the plants r so small?
  9. G

    my plant only has one true leaf?why?

    lmao,im sure there not tamotos XD
  10. G

    any ideas why my plants look like this?

    lol mine has down syndrome r something XD,how far off are they from there normal size at that age?
  11. G

    any ideas why my plants look like this?

    this is wierd,i tried to google this but havnt found anything,so my plants are 18 days old,and one of them has this wierd lil leaf,its the second set of true leafs,(not counting the seed leafs),anyway,it only has one jagged leaf and at the place where the other leaf is supose to grow there...
  12. G

    my plant only has one true leaf?why?

    this is wierd,i tried to google this but havnt found anything,so my plants are 18 days old,and one of them has this wierd lil leaf,its the second set of true leafs,(not counting the seed leafs),anyway,it only has one jagged leaf and at the place where the other leaf is supose to grow there is...
  13. G

    my plants look small and weak compared to outher plants

    bro,i dont have a way to take a pic,they wanted a pic so the best i could do is google a pic,its better than trying to discribe them.what difference does it make if its mine r not?the plant looks just like mine so whats the diff?
  14. G

    my plants look small and weak compared to outher plants

    i have pots ready for transplant,i didnt think they need to b transplated so soon,i will transplant them now,i plan on flowering them around mid january with a 400 w hps light and put they cycle on 12/12 sure i will have less plants by then since not all r female plants,so i think 1...
  15. G

    my plants look small and weak compared to outher plants

    WOW!!how did you get them that big in only 2 weeks?!!gorgeous plants !XD...srry i dont have a cam to take pics but i got this pic off google and they look exactly like this one,only more longer and the first set of true leaves are raised a lil more from the first round leaves.theres no way it...
  16. G

    my plants look small and weak compared to outher plants

    i have 2 14 w cfl 1 75 w 24 inch florecent and two 175 w agro-light grow lights,i have them in mixed soils of seeding soil and pot soil,under 18/6 hours of lght. and i dont use nutes,i use sugur water if that counts as nutes tho XD and drOctipus ,wasnt kushclouds420 a complete fking...
  17. G

    my plants look small and weak compared to outher plants

    i have 7 plants,they are all 17 days old,they range from 7-10 inches ,i looked at many outher plants online that are are the same age and they all have more leaves,and there leaves are bigger,my plants are just began to sprout there 2nd set of (true leaves).and there first set of true leaves...
  18. G

    my plants look small and weak compared to outher plants

    i have 7 plants,they are all 17 days old,they range from 7-10 inches ,i looked at many outher plants online that are are the same age and they all have more leaves,and there leaves are bigger,my plants are just began to sprout there 2nd set of (true leaves).and there first set of true leaves...
  19. G

    is this normal?

    thanks,so how would i know if my plants are being stretched?i need my plants to grow a little shorter and wider,to prevent the plants from growing to tall,what should i do?