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  1. wetmango

    wtf to do with germinated seeds

    have fun finding/lugging water to the ladies. Whats a cop gonna think when he sees a kid chugging along on his bike with gallon jugs strapped all over his bike. Also bugs/animals will be a problem.
  2. wetmango


    Yeah pick up some good nutes and some watering buckets and feed the ladies. If done right in the right location you can be yielding over 1 pound per plant.
  3. wetmango

    Good Nutes To Use

    yeah fox farm sells a 3 pack of nutes for around 45 bucks and it includes everything for every stage. Heres the link to it FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company
  4. wetmango

    how much will this cost?

    Don't sweat it, the computer you are on right now is most likely pulling more juice than that light does. Only way you should worry is if you got 2 1000 watters going with carbon filters, fans, ozone generators and all that happy horse shit going
  5. wetmango


    by flower i think he means veg. The longer the veg the more you will yeild. But in your case you can only veg as much as you think the lights will support depending on your setup because 2 150w florescents aren't much. Your best bet would be topping, but your yield is totally depending on...
  6. wetmango

    Need some advice on dividing grow area and ventilation setup

    yeah i would throw the mother, clones and vegging plants under the 250w mh and divide like 3/5 of the space for flowering. With your setup now there is no place to put the mother which would take up half your proposed veg room
  7. wetmango

    How much $$$ = power?

    how in the world would they not notice 2 600w hps.....
  8. wetmango

    Basement grow light issues

    setting it the opposite of daytime light might help with temps, for example on at 6pm off at 6am which will heat up the night time cold and cool off in the daylight heat. Just make sure all windows are covered
  9. wetmango

    Tiny ScrOG growbox...

    12 inches deep? You unfortunatly won't yeild much out of that box. A 2 week old sprout and the pot measure 6ish inches in itself not include the lighting. You might as well top as many times you can and flower
  10. wetmango

    Is there a way to make my inline fan quieter?

    ive heard suspending the fan itself by bungee cords or using rubber washers will reduce it somewhat
  11. wetmango

    Left Over Lights

    i would think thats over kill and you should just start your new plants now or get 1 good mother going
  12. wetmango

    Young Plant With Pictures.

    well when you transplant the roots try to fill the container slowing growth down
  13. wetmango

    Ordering Seeds..USA safety? illegal?

    You must be an idiot. How ignorant can you be, if the feds gave a shit they would trace your ip right now and review all your posts/pics and come knock on your door.
  14. wetmango


    you really dont have to mist the plants at all in the beginning, it can cause burn spots on the leaves due to the water spots magnifying the light. Just place a fan on low in your grow spot and you should be all set. Misting the plants is for folier feeding with 1/4 strength nutes.
  15. wetmango

    First grow on a low budget, need some answers please.

    ditch the tin foil and just paint it with some old white paint you can get your hands on, also dont use just any nutes, doing that might result in undesirable results. Get yourself the real deal and not feeding spikes or shit like that
  16. wetmango

    Keep The Noise Down

    if its a ball bearing fan then you can try tossing in a little oil in there and try putting rubber washers or something to that affect where the fan mounts
  17. wetmango

    what do you guys think?

    yeah those sprouts are stretching, go to home depot and buy some cheap chain and some S hooks that way you can adjust very easily
  18. wetmango

    Feminized lowryder2

    4 feet is plenty of room.... i usually only let my plants veg till about 1-1 1/2 ft tall then i flower and the end result is usually around double that. Soo at 4 feet you should flower right about the same depending on your lighting and cooling situation. Because a 400 watt hps will need some...
  19. wetmango

    when does a plant start to smell?

    white widow is gonna wreak!! That has a very high thc content.
  20. wetmango

    how to connect hps

    you need the capacitor because that gives the bulb the initial juice to start up. without it you may not get the light to come on