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  1. K

    Nutrient strength in DWC

    Shouldnt need to exceed 800....they can probably handle 1200 with relative ease, but there is no benefit of going that high, and your Ph will be all over the place. 800ppm and you will be golden, as long as you follow the proper ratio's
  2. K

    Quantitative Airstone Test. an end to the hype

    Not really. An oxygen generator, such as the ones used for people with COPD. I would think it would supply more than the standard atmospheric amounts. But I'm curious if the effect would be worth the time and effort....
  3. K

    Quantitative Airstone Test. an end to the hype

    Has anyone ever tried using pure o2 as a feed for the stones?
  4. K

    Hps Setup...Need Help

    Umm...I think you will need whats referred to as a miracle... To my knowledge the only part of the security light you could even consider using in this conversion would be the reflector... Maybe the power cord. This leaves you needing a ballast and bulb. And if you have to spend money...
  5. K

    Blue Lab Combo Meter. Help!

    My guess would be that it is not exactly "new". I dunno how most shops work, but I was in the one I go to. It's an HTGsupply. And I witnessed the guy use one of the ones for sale in the glass case to test the pH of a compost tea display. What struck me as odd about this, is that it had a...
  6. K

    Something I saw that changed my life!

    I have no pics, as I wanted to respect the privacy of this kid. I wouldnt want some stranger coming into my grow and taking pics. In fact, I dont even post pics of my own grow here. I know what i'm doing, so i dont need advice, and no one else needs to see what i am doing. as for gibbs...
  7. K

    Something I saw that changed my life!

    I forgot to mention that the only advice I could give this kid was to go buy some more CFL's. I mean really, after seeing this, I was so dumbstruck that was the only advice I felt worthy enough....
  8. K

    Something I saw that changed my life!

    The other day, I was invited by a mutual friend to go to another growhouse, to give the new grower some experienced advice. I was so excited. I gathered up my ppm and ph meter, trimmers, hand lens, and some nutes. I was fully expecting to walk in and see something similar in size to what I am...
  9. K

    Just found some H.I.D. bulsbs at Lowes.

    I personally believe, (can't prove or even show data), that most of the bulbs are almost exactly the same. Reason being, is there are only so many manufacturers, using the same technique to make these bulbs. I think the "grow bulbs" are drastically over priced, to make it seem like you are...
  10. K

    can you break half a ballast?

    It is possible that just the igniter in the ballast is blown, but more likely you need a bulb. Simple and effective test is to take out your bulb, power up your ballast, and check the voltage at the socket with a Digital Volt/ohm meter. For a 1000w light, that voltage should be around 400v...
  11. K

    WTF? Shrooms in my soil!

    This is a very good thing, that shows that you have a well colonized mycelium network. The mycorrhizae are beneficial fungi that help in the facilitation of nutrients, they convert the nitrides to nitrates that are easily taken up by your plants. Plucking that shroom wont hurt, but it also...
  12. K

    Venting more hurricane shutters

    Out thru the chimney if its in a basement, thru the attic via one of the non-spinning attic vents if its in an upstairs room.
  13. K

    Contactors & Timers HELP!?

    With the amount of light you have, which is low. You could go with just any simple timer. Most mechanical timers can handle a 1500-1700w resistive load. So you having only 600-800 total watts of inductive load will work just fine. The timer I am using is rated at 1725w, I currently have 1 1000w...
  14. K

    HAve roots, now what?

    Also, forgot to mention. You should leave the cutting in the cloner until you have roughly 3-6 to maybe even 8 inches of roots. This seems to make it easiest on the plant, and will inturn get your plant to start growing as soon as it hits the soil and nutes. If you transplant as soon as you...
  15. K

    HAve roots, now what?

    I would not use the 50% sand, maybe go to a 80/20 mix soil to sand, probably even a little less than that 90/10. Then you must use some nutes. A very mild dose, roughly 1/4 strength will be perfect for young transplants. Make sure also that the nutrient you are using has been either dissolved...
  16. K

    Going out of town, leaving a flowering plant

    OK, well, I"m gonna hook you up on a sceret I have used in the past. If you take about a 5' long piece of lamp wick (you can get this at most hardware/farm supply stores) and put about 4' of it in the pot in a snail shell pattern (spiral in the dirt) then let the other 1' hang out of the...