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  1. Diknuts

    Sexing help please

    Don't smoke them unless you like to smoke leaves without getting a buzz.
  2. Diknuts

    Purple Bag seed Re- Veg. 3RD time

    I grew a plant then harvested all of it but the bottom two buds.I transplanted it and put it back in veg.It took right off growing again.I took clones off off it then put it back to flower again.I grew it to harvest and cut all of it off but the bottom three buds or so.I then put it back in...
  3. Diknuts

    Want to get my Sister High

    That fuckin sick!But damn it sure was funny.
  4. Diknuts

    Sexing help please

    2ND row 1St & 4th pic is a male
  5. Diknuts

    i have truly created a monster

  6. Diknuts

    any good animal repellant?

    Use rusty wire and feed some weeds through the wire like your doin scrog to help camo it.
  7. Diknuts

    i have truly created a monster

    Them are some pretty big side branches.My bad!
  8. Diknuts

    i have truly created a monster

    Can't believe you take clones in that fashion.The only time I use the main stalk is when I take the top,otherwise I take the secondary growth tip that comes out of the nodes.
  9. Diknuts


    Do you have soil outsdie or sand?My buddy said that the dirt down where he lives is 90% sand.
  10. Diknuts

    Hellppp transplanting

    Right away! you might want to mix it at half or quarter strenghth.When I transplant,I use full strength nutes but mine are in bigger pot unlike your cup. Use your judgement.If you think the plant is tall enough use full strength.
  11. Diknuts

    Seed storage and method

    what the HELL is up with the bump bump bump?
  12. Diknuts


    I'm not but I have a buddy who just moved down there a few months back. 5 minutes from Ft Lauderdale.I guess it could be considered that.
  13. Diknuts

    What size light?

    either or depends on your budget but there isn't much $$$ different in bill.I'd go with a 600,even though I have a 400 in a 4ft by 4ft by 7 ft tall.It is sufficiant.It's hortilux MH for veg.check out my gallery for pics.
  14. Diknuts

    Buds Got To Heavy!!!!!

    I had one that a bulb fell on and tore two of the side branches off the only thing holdin was a little bit of out skin.Iput the in the original position zip tied the node area tight then added a popsicle stck to stabilize it then wrapped it in electrical tape.I finished veg.and then flower and...
  15. Diknuts

    has anyone??

    I'd go with the GEO.Not.It really don't matter they still run on foreign oil. FOX FARM are the pimped out rides!
  16. Diknuts

    trimming, pruning.

    I only cut off what I need for cloning and what turns yellow and can easily be plucked.I consider the leaves to be like solar cells.They produce the goods for the plant to grow.Everyone has there own opinion though.
  17. Diknuts

    Are you throttled?

    Choked,flooded,blown lmao
  18. Diknuts

    Buds Got To Heavy!!!!!

    Zip ties just to get you going then tape!lol
  19. Diknuts

    check these male? hermie?

    Can you get a close up?
  20. Diknuts

    Are you throttled?
