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  1. Diknuts

    what color will my buds be?

    i'd say it sounds like nute deficiency.I'd say your buds will be green(duh)with a very low yeild.
  2. Diknuts

    curled leaves? *pic*

    Yeh,I agree and dont worry bout it.
  3. Diknuts

    Outbreak on my plant, Please help!

    with the lower leaves being yellow it needs nitrogen.Add nutes and ph it.Check the ph of the water the drains out of pottm of pot to see if you have adjust accordingly.
  4. Diknuts

    Cheap CO2 idea

    You'll find that the amount of CO2 is not very much in dry ice,and the yeast either.The yeast part get really nasty and is just a waste.Why not just spend the money and buy a CO2 bottle from a hydro store?Or just grow with out CO2 and use good ventalation instead.
  5. Diknuts

    Outbreak on my plant, Please help!

    I have ocean forest to and I have used full strength nutes since clone was introduced to soil and I don't have any probs.Back off on nutes or just use plain water for a while.
  6. Diknuts

    When to cut her down

    Wow you just know it all huh?Why don't you just tell this person to wait on the hairs to turn mostly red and maybe wait till the tryches start to change clearness to darkerness.Greatness is not a specific date but when it looks done!
  7. Diknuts

    Outbreak on my plant, Please help!

    Just grow and don't worry it wil be all right.I still say your soil has a lot to do with it plus ph level of water might be an issue tooo.
  8. Diknuts

    seedling develping yellowing on leaves

    Lay off the water! Why twice a day?
  9. Diknuts

    Outbreak on my plant, Please help!

    looks like by the way the leaves are splotchy green,I'd say you have nutrient in your soil and it is causing problems.Get some soiless from your local nursery and try that.
  10. Diknuts

    When to cut her down

    At least another month or longer.
  11. Diknuts

    Did we actually land on the moon?

    And mars is better with plenty of meteorites and other rocks to throw at birds for food.I don't believe their theory of teraforming will work on mars.I think there was life once on mars but move too far away from sun or just some life form destroyed the atmospere and killed all the animal and...
  12. Diknuts

    Did we actually land on the moon?

    If we are planning on going to Mars with this expanding universe.Shouldn't we go the other durection so that the planet would eventually fall into the right living distance from the sun.Maybe we should go to venus.Work on special equip for that trip not a dead and dry planet with no good...
  13. Diknuts

    Can you clone a clone?

    Just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Diknuts

    Can you clone a clone?

    Only once.All the leaves will fall off after that.Don't try it they hate that.
  15. Diknuts

    Whats my yield?

    A few females,not all will be worthy you know. I went to the store last night.I left at 6:00pm and rode my harley.I bought Two items and paid with a ten$ bill.How much change did I get back? That is the type of question you just ask.
  16. Diknuts

    I hate.....

    I hate to have to hate!
  17. Diknuts

    Anyone ever grown Ed Rosenthal Bud? Pics?

    I have also been wandering the same things.I think with the price for those seeds and no one growing them,they are probably to old to even germinate by now.I guess you are just buying the name and getting seeds that aren't good.Who knows?I sure would like to.If it is really good,I'd prolly order...
  18. Diknuts

    Finish the sentence above you!

    full of weed. I once had trouble.......
  19. Diknuts

    Very confused... Would greatly appreciate any advise

    2nd one looks like it might be female dominate hermie.3rd male.
  20. Diknuts

    Did we actually land on the moon?

    Just because water done it here doesnt mean it done it there.Now when fossils are brought back of some sort of aquatic being,then it could be solar wind,plasma,compressed liquid methane,the possibilities are endless.