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  1. I

    Where Is The PROOF That The Conservative Agenda Works?

    If we got rid of the income tax all together we would still have more then enouph to cover President B.J. Lewinsky's budget. What has happened sence then? (The Federal Reserve shinanagans happened) Maybe if we were not invading 3 mid easter nations didn't have bases in 130-170 diffrent...
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    Donald Trump for President 2012

    All a 25% tax on chinese goods will do is raise prices on things people have to buy from China. Even if we made all the stuff we buy from them here all it will do is raise prices, And redivert useful labor assets to improductive government subsudized jobs. Now is not the time for protectionism...
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    Ask How The Founding Fathers Would Run The Country...

    Weed would be legal. 'nuff said.
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    How Rich Are You?

    Under 35k I don't want to take from the rich. Taking something that doesn't belong to you is theft. Unless you can prove that the "rich" in question : 1. harmed someone physicaly; or 2. commited theft, fraud or violence In the aquisition of their wealth, You have no legitamit beef with him. How...
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    Congresswoman on Palin's "Hit List" shot

    Well as the economy gets worse (and it will) you will see more and more people lose it. This kid didn't get the memo all the anti-government wackos are supposed to chill while we try to fix the country through legal means. Thank God for the tenth Amnedment.
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    should we be worried?

    AJ gets real worked up. Look if your worried about it vote Ron Paul. You can look at it two ways: Either all these government and extra-governmental agencies are really just trying to be good civil servants. Or they are cogs in a machine desined to scientificly control you. Don't look at what...
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    Stoner's views on Barack Obama as President

    Rep. Ron Paul 2012! If he doesn't run then, Gov. Gary Johnson 2012!! Failing that well I'm just gonna take as big a dose of fuck it all I can get.
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    Why we really aren't going to the moon....

    Here is my guess. The moon holds loads of helium3. Helium3 is going to be the natural choice for fusion power plants. Helium3 does not exist in any great quantity on earth. China is going to the moon. China wants to plant its flag on the 22nd centuries energy source now. China made some hints...
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    Birthers Unite

    You know what it don't matter. She probably ment it but its easily explained away. Thier pokeing you to make you mad then they lauph at you. All the yuppies jump in and lauph to. Don't give the bastards the satisfaction. Let his policies and the actions of the far left hang themselves.
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    Still no proof John "play the race card" Lewis was called n*gger

    ViRedd you know there are plenty of rascists at the Tea party events and town halls. They wear those purple SEIU shirts a say the "N" word alot. I think anyone who calls rascism should automaticly forfeit the arguement.
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    Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

    Who gives a shit. How does this effect my life in the least?
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    2012: Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, or Sarah Palin?

    Ronald Ernest Paul FTW! Mitt Romney, Rudy, Jeb BUSH, Sarah Palin HAH! You can keep them all. I'm sticking with the real deal. Because I can say I don't support drug prohabition, I don't support policing the world, I don't support the nanny state, I don' support the bailouts and I vote that...
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    Question About Rights?

    Rights arn't granted by the constitution they are God given. So unless Americans are some sort of master race God loves more then his other children our rights must naturally belong to everyone.
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    Ron Paul wins, Mike Huckabee loses in CPAC straw poll

    "Libertarianism is the heart of Conservatism." See Reagan knew that, these other so called conservatives don't. Michael Steale and the rest of the republicans better recognize. Libertarians will deside 2012 one way or the other. Now 31% win in the straw Poll HAHAHA pwned! All the pundits...
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    In The Future There Will Be A One World Gov't And It Will Be Internet Based!

    "We are all gods of Our parallel universes. I AM God of My universe! My frequency!" I love 1 Sounds to me like someone ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil to me. Have fun falling for litterally the oldest lie in the book.
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    A question??????

    Well I'm not in buisness or economics, but it seems to me that when companies move overseas, they are taking advantage of lower wages and fewer regulations. This makes them more competitive in the global marketplace. However, if we want to take advantage of this freeing up of resources we...
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    Supreme Court rolls back spending for Corporations

    Now don't get me wrong I believe people have the Right to free speach. I believe corperations can hire people to speak for them. I don't want Rush off the Air IMO he is funny and informative. We people were created in the image of God. We get our rights from our creator. Our Creator did not...
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    next election: coke VS pepsi

    We people were created in the image of God. It was God who gave us our rights as human beings. God did not confer those rights to fictional entities. I'm all for free markets and even big corperations. But for some reason this makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Anyone ever watch...
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    Supreme Court rolls back spending for Corporations

    I don't know this seems wrong to me. How corperations/unions achieved personhood is beyond me. As it sits Corperations/Unions give tens of thousands to canidates. At least Unions have to get dues and donations. Corperations just need to make a profit and they can buy Government contracts and...
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    Two Obamas?

    Its only a matter of time before these so called "Rogue States" get nukes. Hell we developed them 65 years ago. IMO we can't continue to throw our weight around globaly. We are going to have to begin treating others how we would like to be treated. I agree with Illegal here If Iran launches on...