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  1. I

    Awesome Debate

    Yeah that wasn't just some old guy. The was Ron Paul yo, you better recognize. :D
  2. I

    Obama promises to be more sincere?

    There are many creative people in the liberty movement who can make killer videos. Ron Pauls "money bombs" we advertised on youtube. By just regular jackoffs with great talent. The Dems do seem to be in a pickle now, huh? If they moderate and drop Healthcare they have lost a full year argueing...
  3. I

    And the Majority of America takes a SIGH of relief!

    Indeed one healthcare program is constitutional one is not. The federal government has no authority to impose on the people this abomination. While the states do have that authority. Which is good, why foist crap on red states something they hate. Several States are going to end up sueing if...
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    And the Majority of America takes a SIGH of relief!

    Well we bought a 50% chance of killing ObamaCare. Yet added another warhawk, Christian conservative to the mix. To me this is a mixed bag. IMO the best thing that could possably happen now is gridlock. Ok Dark, Obama had super majority in the senate and substantial power in the house. If the...
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    CNN REPORTS: Cannabis replacing Poppy in Afghanistan

    Good when they get all the fanatics out of there. I'm gonna talk my wife into moving there. I'll get me three more wives to trim for me. :P
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    A Completely Free Society, Rich in Resources with an Educated Population

    I can not imagine living with stone age tech and having to contend with Raptors.
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    Liberty > Security

    Nominate and elect liberty minded Sheriffs as well. The County Sheriff is the highest elected law enforcement officer in the country. They are much more powerful then even they know.
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    US Healthcare - Nuclear Option

    Hmm, healthcare is looking like a sqeaker one way or the other. Brown still has to win. However, just the fact that its this close in Mass could teach us something. Also it appears the Dems are hauling ass to get this done and the senate could still delay Brown like they did Roland Burris. They...
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    What is the purpose of government ?

    BTW illegal Smile Alexander Hamilton was a big piece of Shit. Central Banker scum really suprised he wasn't killed in a duel sooner. I wish Aaron Burr had killed his ass 30 years before and saved us all the damn trouble. I'm more of a Jefferson/Madison man they knew about freedom and the dangers...
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    Who is this woman, what did she know, and how did she know it?

    Here is the diffrence between Marx and Rand. Marx has had his chance his ideas have failed time and time again. Rands time never truely come about yet.
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    Movement for Legalization of Marijuana on a Personal Level.

    Anyone advicating liberty is good in my book.
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    You stay the hell away from my first amendment

    Here Hanimal I speak Conspiracy Thorist. :) When your a CT you have to watch out for the Missinfo. Many times "They" like to start rumors that are totally not true just to watch you fumble around making an ass of yourself. Its a great way to keep "them" in power and discredit opposition...
  13. I

    What is the purpose of government ?

    Are we talking Federal State or Local? In a nation of 300 million people there needs to be clear seperation of powers. The Federal Governments Job is to: A: prevent violence (Maintain a military) B: Prevent theft, fraud and to protect rights. (A court system) C: enforce contracts and mediate...
  14. I

    Obama discards campaign promises like most people discard used Kleenex

    Maybe he is a political torpedo. Get in office get the radical progressive agenda instituted. Get tossed after 4 years, damage done. Republicans get in office make a big show of how they are gonna fix everything. Shuffle some papers, debate and talk. Some small changes are made. But the systems...
  15. I

    You stay the hell away from my first amendment

    60's liberals had more in common with left Libertarians then the Progressives. The only way they could get away with this now is to use good old FDR's playbook. IMO this sort of censorship was illegal then and it should be illegal now under the 1st ammendment.
  16. I

    Danny Glover For President

    Mel could have won hands down if he could have layed off the sauce. It all comes down to name recognition really anyway. Just look at California and the Governator. BTW, He is infact an American citizen he was born in Peekskill, New York. Mel moved to Australia when he was 12 he just picked up a...
  17. I

    Yet another reason not to watch fox news.....

    I know you asked Ilegal Smile this but let me give it a try. She is not an old white man. I mean she was a popular governer in a state with the population of Fresno. She was mayor of Podunk AL. So she has more executive experiance then Obama. She has emerged as a leader in the faux tea party...
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    Giuliani: No terror attacks in U.S. under Bush

    Obamas Foriegn policy while not going far enouph and seeming to me to be somewhat clumsy Could be worse. Obamas Fiscal policy is what keeps me up at night.
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    The American PUBLIC'S Confidence in the U.S.

    No the White house don't give a shit. They arn't gonna let people make money investing in infrastructure. Infrastructure belongs to the people. i.e. the Government. As for nuclear power hell what about all our windmill plans? What about our solar? If we started building the new types of nuclear...
  20. I

    Who is this woman, what did she know, and how did she know it?

    Here we go again with the Rand stuff. Ayn Rand is not the only Libertarian thinker there is. She was a bit on the harsh side, not even condoning charity. (to my recollection) I know its the cool thing to do, but don't think for a minute this finacial mess was caused by free markets. The...