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  1. thebigragu25

    ready 2 flower?

    Yea Id definately wait buddy.. those plants arent looking too healthy. Interesting idea for the paper reflector lol. Good luck! :peace:
  2. thebigragu25

    First grow- hows she look?

    awesome.. thanks gang. I vegged her for only like 6 weeks or so. When you say wait til the trichs are amber/milky (cuz Im looking for couch-lock), I could only see that under a microscope, right? Or are you referring to those white hairs that are poking out from the buds?:peace:
  3. thebigragu25

    First grow- hows she look?

    is that a good thing? yea 5th week flowering 12/12
  4. thebigragu25

    First grow- hows she look?

    Hey gang. This is my girl, shes in her 5th week flowering & I was just curious how much longer you cats might think itll be before harvest. Shes on 12/12 with a 250 hps... FF soil & some natural fertilizers. Its a white widow in case you couldnt tell. This is my first grow so Im...
  5. thebigragu25

    What if I cut a bud?

    right on.. thanks man.
  6. thebigragu25

    What if I cut a bud?

    Hey gang. Ive got a white widow well into flowering, and looking terrific. Its not matured totally yet, but do you guys think if I cut one bud off to dry & smoke it would kill the plant? if I did it with a sharp knife? Just curious. :peace:
  7. thebigragu25

    Wow... Did they really go male on me!!!

    Sorry buddy- those look male. You can tell from the little seed pods aka nut sacks. Those things destroy all hope once they appear- get em out ASAP. Good Luck! :peace:
  8. thebigragu25

    force flower early

    keep us posted as to how it turns out. Good luck bro.
  9. thebigragu25

    What hps should i get For this?

    I personally dont think a HPS would be a good idea for a cabinet man.. the temps would skyrocket
  10. thebigragu25

    Nirvana ‘Northern Lights’ feminised x4. (2 per pot).

    Dude I know Ive said it once already, but those northern lights look tremendous.. major props. Im def doing NL my next grow- let us know how they turn out. :peace:bongsmilie:peace:
  11. thebigragu25

    force flower early

    Oak tree- that will do it. The best advice I was ever given was to use Fox Farm soil... Ive tried manure/pearlite mixes, miracle gro, etc etc.. NOTHING has worked the way fox farm has. Also its awesome for saving a plants life- Ive done it more than once. trust me! GL and keep us...
  12. thebigragu25

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Just saw your pics- very nice. Im starting some AI and pray it turns out as nice as yours. SUBSCRIBED! :peace:
  13. thebigragu25

    What hps should i get For this?

    Im not sure what you are going to set this light up in, but if its an enclosed cabinet youd really want to invest in fans / cool tubes. I have a pretty open setup, and havent had a prob with temps. :peace:
  14. thebigragu25

    How much longer shoulkd i let her go?

    When you say the hairs are orange, are you talking about the buds or the pistols? Im in a similar situation and just curious where to look (n00b). thanks! :peace:
  15. thebigragu25

    What hps should i get For this?

    I bought a 400 hps setup/bulb from ebay. It only cost $90, and when I got it the bulb case said 250 watt... regardless its worked great for me. Just be sure that you use a good surge protector with a GFI outlet. Another reccomendation is to have that outlet be the only active one on the circuit...
  16. thebigragu25

    Clone Question

    if thats the case Ill buy it- for some reason I was under the impression it was expensive stuff. thanks guys!
  17. thebigragu25

    Clone Question

    Ive found this guys pic somewhere, and kept it through like 4 computer reformats lol. nice to know who he is finally. BTW thanks for the info regarding the willow branches- I might try that. Any idea whats in the branches that assist in growing the clone?
  18. thebigragu25

    Clone Question

    If I wanted to make a clone of a plant I currently have, do I HAVE to use the clone-chemical/fertilizer stuff? or can I just put a fan leaf in some moist, nice fox farm ocean forrest? thanks :peace:
  19. thebigragu25

    Nirvana ‘Northern Lights’ feminised x4. (2 per pot).

    So for the most part, these were grown under cfl's you said? besides intermitent periods of sunshine?:joint:
  20. thebigragu25

    Need Help Please!

    Cant we all just get along? :peace: