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  1. calibob

    First Harvest: CherryAK47, CFLs 372w

    Nice job, enjoy
  2. calibob

    should i veg longer or let them flower? 7 indicas indoor

    Raise the PH and throw them into bud, it's time. Used the CO2 pucks and was not impressed, messy and did not last 8 hours. Used a Infrared CO2 analyzer to see the ppm's and they started back down to room level (400ppm) in about an hour.
  3. calibob

    Is my girl a hermie [pics] - advice please!

    You might want to try a product called reverse by dutch masters. I used it a few times and it did knock the balls off the plant. By the way the plant never got sacks again. Don't saves the seeds, they will be hermies.
  4. calibob

    PH Problem, Plz Help

    6.5 ph for soil, try to keep it about there, a little higher is better than a little low.
  5. calibob

    Grow Detection

    they have the technology to do lots of things, problem is most does not work as advertised
  6. calibob

    mold on my buds help!!!! what should i do?

    throw em out, and limit touching the shit.
  7. calibob

    day fuckin 66 into flower!!wtf-pics

    Some haze sativa's will keep getting white hairs forever, go by the tric ratio.
  8. calibob

    Fox farms soil for seedlings?

    Ocean forest works for most everything (except cloning). If using with seedlings just water without ferts.
  9. calibob

    Fox Farm

    The buffer is Oyster shell
  10. calibob

    How Un-Organic is Fox Farm??

    They use Oyster shell as a PH buffer, I think shell is organic.
  11. calibob

    HELP HELP PLEASE HELP 51days 12/12 spidermites

    Do not spray neem on buds! Once you do just throw them out you will no want to smoke them. Get Hot Shot from a home depot type store and leave it there for a few days then take it out and seal it in a baggy. They will die and your plants will be fine.
  12. calibob

    Please Diagnose This Young Plant

    PH should not be that big a deal with a plant that small, it looks to me like nute burn. Don't put that little plant under a big lamp yet, use the flourescent. Get the PH back to about 6.5 and for now just water with water and maybe a little super thrive.
  13. calibob

    fox farm tiger bloom question

    Try some Cal-Mag but nothing will bring back the fried leaves.
  14. calibob

    600 watts. 4x4. good or bad idea?

    600 in a 4X4 is just about perfect, 6 inch duct fan on the outlet and just a passive intake. If you hood has an cooling port use it for the exhaust. Tents always run little hot, but if the room temp is Ok so will the tent.
  15. calibob

    Could any mathmeticians/experienced growers help?

    Going to be real hard to find a pump that can lift 500 ft. You could do it in steps with more than one pump but cost is going to kill you.
  16. calibob

    US Attorney: No More Marijuana Raids

    Obama didn't lie, he caved.
  17. calibob

    Hid Hut ballast and coversion bulbs?

    Same thing happened to me with a 400 watt setup. It was pulling 3.5 amps with the HPS but with the conversion was pulling almost 6! Cord was hot, outlet was hot and the ballast you could barely touch. Went to a 600 watt Quantum ballast that strikes both HPS and MH, problems gone. Be careful...
  18. calibob

    Screw Amsterdam Im Going to Ghana

    Boy! that was truly enjoyable, nice volley.
  19. calibob

    ZONGS! not bongs but ZONGS check this stuff out

    looks like fun to clean
  20. calibob

    Snorting weed does get you high

    If I eat pot I will get high, if I eat a chunk of hash I will get loaded. Heat is one way of releasing the active components of pot but not the only way.