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  1. organick

    Organic potassium??? Tea???

    high p bat guano bone meal thats what I use with high P boxed organic ferts (Dr. earth)
  2. organick

    Using homemade Potash

    Wood ash is a nice instrument for the microbial symphony to use, yet one instrument only. Hard to get a standing ovation from the dank crowd for a one man band. Peace, Love, Multi-ingrediant tea's and soil microbes galore.
  3. organick

    *** bigger and faster in soil ***

    See the green bag of perlite in ffd2blk's #41 post? When i bought one of those it was like loosing my virginity. Best investment I've made in some time. Is that miricle grow potting soil I see, wow I thought you were cool for a second there. Peace out, good job.
  4. organick

    ugh aphids..

    Let the soil dry out as much as the soil microbes will allow, don't water untill the soil feels dry when you stick you finger in it. Soil Bugs = (usually) overwatered soil My vote, with info provided, would be fungus nats, air flow would help here too. If I have nats I assume I have...
  5. organick

    single most "best" 100% organic nutes?

    I was going to post earlier but I didn't. Why? Because the question can not be answered (said Leonard Nemoy spock style). there is no "one" organic ingredient that is "best", even at flowering. The best i could come up with is compost, but good compost is a mix of many things. In my case coffee...
  6. organick

    Whitney farms 100% natural potting soil?

    I use it, I add perlite, about 20%+ and about 1tbls per gal dolomite lime. Wrks with any organic ferts that would be used normaly with growing pot. My only problem with Whitny Farms is it's owned by the same company that produces Miriclegrow, which is the same company that has lobied to weaken...
  7. organick

    Guano Tea Recipes For Flowering?

    The Carnivorous Plant FAQ: About SUPERthrive Superthrive is shit, it has no place in my organic grow. No disrespect intended. Edit: But I do dig my high P Guano from Fox Farms. (OMG did I just use a corprate name, I need to go gather leaves for my mulch pile) must have been the trip to the...
  8. organick


    Compost Pile. I live in a very urbanized area and I have a compost pile. Away from civilization should be a good place for one. I really don't know for sure, but I have seen skim milk suggested. Miracle Grow? Personally would suggest anything over miracle grow, even yogurt. This is an organic...
  9. organick

    New Grow

    Cool. Very Cool. Thank you for being of open mind, and taking action on it. The big ones for me: Dolomite Lime (nessesity) bat Guano (I'm looking for a more "sustainable" substitute, but the guano rocks!) Boxed organic fertilizer with mycorrahizal fungi, I like ones without blood meal...
  10. organick

    My materials, your help;)

    For smaller pots you are going to flower in: Teas made from your boxed frets and consistency, Top dressing would be good too, If you could come by some mulch. Bagged mulches can be good, I "wash" them sometimes first if they contain urea or nitrate of ammonia: fill pot 3/4 full of mulch, water...
  11. organick

    My materials, your help;)

    Soil? As in garden? or as in bagged? If Garden, get some bagged. (a handfull or two of garden soil per cubic foot of bagged soil woould be cool. Much more than that would not work for pots.) So, from here on lets assume (and we all know what happens when we do that, but I'll do it anyway) you...
  12. organick

    Storing Large Amounts of Bud Secretly

    just go with it. Ball glass jars, inside case, for style. plant annual rye grass, quick growing.
  13. organick

    grass fertilizer

    Just got myself three ounces of wheat grass (juice extracted from the grass) from the health food store this morning. I drank it don't you know. Have read that wheat grass juice added to compost tea (I would post the link but it's on another forum) increases the enzymes. Gives the bacteria the...
  14. organick

    whas a clf!

    Cool old computer component converters work best for me (routers are usually 12v) If you use a 6v converter with a 12v fan it will run a little slower but alot cooler, if heat is an issue.
  15. organick

    Worm Castings?

    Sorry Willie this Book is the BOMB. Everyone should read it. . source: Rodale Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening . More Organic Fertilizer Mixes 2 - 3.5 - 2.5 1 part bone meal 3 parts alfalfa hay 2 parts greensand 2 - 4 - 2 4 parts coffee grounds 1 part bone meal 1 part wood ashes 2 - 4 - 2 1...
  16. organick

    whas a clf!

    free fan: recycled computer case fan and power converter. Take the fan, conect to canverter. fan can be mounted with a bent coat hanger for a stand (usually there are four holes in the corners of the fan) or hung up, or instaled in the cabinet. peace love and air-flow
  17. organick

    Worm Castings?

    Seems from what I've read the leachate (juice) and castings are similar. If that is all you have add throughout, If you have a buck or ten: Veg.= EWC (earth worm castings) + veg nutes flower= EWC + flower nutes. Peace love and castings Google for full recipes
  18. organick

    sprinkle a little tinkle

    I use it mostly for mulch pile nirtogen sorce, and use it all the time. Because I handle it like the potentialy health threatining stuff that it is.:spew: Rubber gloves, libral hand washing, good diet (prosessed food pee smells),don't splash and a healthy dillution, at least 20:1. Aged pee...
  19. organick

    sprinkle a little tinkle

    I got no problem with it at all. Because I handle it like the potentialy health threatining stuff that it is. Rubber gloves, libral hand washing, good diet (prosessed food pee smells),don't splash and a healthy dillution, at least 20:1. Aged pee stinks too bad to deal with, don't use it myself...
  20. organick

    easiest organic grow?

    Cool, but pricey, but very good idea simplicity. Cash is a factor. This is off the top of my head. EWC. 15.00$ Reused Soil (dumpster dive a Nursery, high perlite content, then go buy something from them) free. Or Cheap but good potting soil. 7.00$per 2q ft. Box organic nutes (high P) with soil...