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  1. organick

    Schultz potting soil Plus contains lime/ Mg doesn't

    This is an ORGANIIC SOIL Forum, Personaly I'd rather use dog turds. If I had to use Miricle grow I'd rathe use cat turds (dead cat are alwys good bury'um 16 inches deap at least). both contain chemical salt fertilizers (shultz and MG). Not good for the Micro-herd, not good for my conscience. i...
  2. organick

    vibes on plants and pest control

    Ok, S.C. hillbilly, dig that vibe. i feel much less jaded, not everyone is a stepford citizen. i do belive my garden is a bit of a sacrament (I do nothing that could be called "charitable", mention this only because I feel guilty about it, espessially after using the word "sacrament"). i don't...
  3. organick

    Starting second grow ORGANIC

    Oh yea to answer your question the best i can: I use Botanicare myself, not "certified organic" but I'd be the last guy to give a attiute about that. Don't know about their hydro line but their soil line already has Humic Acid. Save your humic Acid for when you run out of botanicare hydro stuff...
  4. organick

    Starting second grow ORGANIC

    Next soil mix add some perlite. 30% works for me too. I like the bottom of my pots to be 1/2 inch pure perlite layer (with rocks!!) Usually I buy Witney farms Premium potting soil. 100% organic (no certification for potting soil so they can say just about anything, This one has no chems...
  5. organick

    Pepper Seeds?

    stir water they will sink. I always drown my peper seeds when I soak them, so now I don't do it.
  6. organick

    Help with cloning

    If you have 8 good ones cool. If over two weeks and no new growth, they are deffinetly stunted, won't produce like the others. No space? toss them Got Space? grow them together SOG style or outside.
  7. organick

    18 DOLLAR Activated Carbon Filters! The BEST!

    That is the funniest yet useful link I have ever seen. I'm almost affraid to ask what exactly the "truth" is.
  8. organick

    New to RollitUp

    build your own unless you have diposable income to, well, dipose of. If I had the money that most of those cost I could build the grow-cabinet and pay for power. If you don't have the time or want to build your own, grow any way you can. i'd use a scale. Lumens for the $, Air flow for the$...
  9. organick

    E40 sockets

    I buy clamp-lamps (socket with plug attached). Sometimes it is cheaper to use loose sockets then wire your own plug but this takes planing and work.
  10. organick

    Starting second grow ORGANIC

    I avoid Wall Mart at all costs. Lucky to live in an area their is a Green Thumb nusery around, as well as many other alternatives. Avoiding the polution laid down by 200 years of man's "industry" would be a very hard thing to do. Unless you are dealing with certified organic cotton seed meal or...
  11. organick

    vibes on plants and pest control

    All life is precious. I don't pray to my plants but the fact they are a living organism is cool. I pray to the Big Guy/Gal with the white robes and thunderbolts. When it's a guy it's charltin heston looking when a gal, Ann B. Davis for sure (maid on the bradey bunch). Cool link, looks like they...
  12. organick

    its all about our lights

    When you are done see what happens when you stick your finger in there.
  13. organick


    water less more deeply only in the morning. Diotonatious earth sprinckled around plants. Pick them off a couple nights in a row to decrease infestation.
  14. organick

    its all about our lights

    sure do it. take pics.
  15. organick

    lil help plz

    too much light, they are closeing in on themselves to protect themselves
  16. organick

    Starting second grow ORGANIC

    Yes...I to am a snob for my own organicly grown weed. But i used botanicare bure Blend Pro, cleated minirals and potasium phoshate are contained there in. Not strictly organic. My next grow will be more natural. Gardening Organically has helped me grow better weed bigtime. If you are just...
  17. organick

    organic question

    Does all organic soil all have ferts in it? Well, if there is organic matter (composted leaves, peat moss or bark mulch) yes, mine has lots and varied: chicken manure, mulch, bone meal, alf alfa meal, bat guano. and if not or if yes can I add my own organic ferts and what if I added a chemical...
  18. organick

    Vegging Organics?

    Pee, Alfalfa pellets (feed strore), blood meal.
  19. organick

    need to buy soil, but no NPK given from organics?

    Easy, don't buy from home depot. (kidding) Most commertial mixes will be ok for trasplanting as log as you use enough water while trasplanting. The NPK value will not be listed because it would be so small. If i put chicken manure on my garden the avalable nitrogen will be much higher than if I...
  20. organick

    Indoor Composter

    That's why his face is red.