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  1. kindone

    great clone strains in MI

    I grew from seed only for years and have had great results. Then I started getting clones and everthing changed, bugs, male plants , powdery mildew and shitty genetics. I have gone back to seeds, I order from peakseedsbc,attitude,and the single seed center. With all the freebies and good deals...
  2. kindone

    Kindone's 1600w organic scrog

    Flower week #7 This garden is an embarrassment, I am only finishing this journal because I started it. This will be the lowest yield I have ever had, but the nuggets will still be dank. A couple of these plants have some very good traits and might be worth keeping around. I have a friend who...
  3. kindone

    where did you last find legit LSD

    I last bought lsd in 1999 from a friend in Kalamazoo that was bringing back loads from cali. He had liquid,paper,gelcaps, and microdot in mass quanities. I would buy 5 sheets for $500, he once told me he only sold such small quanities to me because he liked me.Thanks T.
  4. kindone

    What do you think of this?

    He is in the clear if the for sure, she is not legal to posses plants. Simple as that.
  5. kindone

    Kindone's 1600w organic scrog

    Flower week # 6 The earth juice is helping sustain life and buds are swelling up. Crystal packed and funky. I am ready for the next round though, its redemption time. I have 6 super lemon haze clones that are rooting now and 2 blue dreams that have been rooted for a couple of weeks. I also...
  6. kindone

    Almost bow season in beautiful Michigan

    A guy on a Michigan sportsman forum wrote this last night. "At long last dusk has finally settled over the mid west and we sit once again eagerly awaiting the dawn of a new day. For some tomorrow has little significance. It is just another Monday morning they must force themselves to come to...
  7. kindone

    Almost bow season in beautiful Michigan

    It is very good feeling to stalk your prey, sit in a tree, and shoot an arrow into the heart of a large mammal that will feed your family for monthes to come.That to me is what life is and should be, survival. "TAKE ME BACK, BACK WHERE I BELONG", couldn't have said it better myself.Be safe this...
  8. kindone

    Almost bow season in beautiful Michigan

    I got my stand hung, my bow sighted, and an empty freezer. Love me some Michigan Octobers.
  9. kindone

    Kindone's 1600w organic scrog

    Got a bottle of Earth juice and fed accordingly. Hoping for the best.This will be my lowest yield I have had in years but the quality I believe will be the best I have ever grown. I am formulating a new soil mix that I believe will help tremendously and I am no longer relying on clones from...
  10. kindone

    Do you have the biggest yielder ??

    Super lemon haze 6 plants DWC lucas formula 1600 watts 5X6 screen just under 2LB's
  11. kindone

    Do you have the biggest yielder ??

    Hey 12n12, you just started this thread cause there aren't enough pissin contests on RIU didn't you? No really though I think this thread would be a better one if we discussed the methods and techniques used to achieve these yields with these strains.
  12. kindone

    Do you have the biggest yielder ??

    Super lemon haze was a great yielder for me and everybody loved smokin it except me.
  13. kindone

    Kindone's 1600w organic scrog

    Thanks for dropping in guys, I think you got it pinned Rootine. Flower week#5 I'm gonna stop by the shop today and get a bottle of something.They are hungry. The smell of each plant are among the most auromatic I have ever grown and I believe it is due to the medium and diet.The good news...
  14. kindone

    Kindone's 1600w organic scrog

    Thanks for the input SFguy, I have feed these plants nothing from a bottle except cal/mag just because I had some. I am trying to grow these plants organically with no help from a bottle, unsucessfully. All the plants have in the mix is worm castings, compost, and a little bat guano. I have been...
  15. kindone

    Kindone's 1600w organic scrog

    Flower week #4, All is well except some yellowing in the two plants closest to the door. I'm thinking maybe its light related because on 1 of the kushberry the fan leaves are yellowing towards the center of the plant but the outer edges seem deep green. I moved the light up a little and plan on...
  16. kindone

    Kindone's 1600w organic scrog

    Flower week #3. I top dressed with compost last week but I am getting a bit of yellowing starting. I added a little general organics cal/mag to the watering regime last night and I have a brew of compost tea going that they will get in the next couple of days. If they still continue to yllow I...
  17. kindone

    giver of care

    I've got a cooltube hood you can have.
  18. kindone

    Kindone's 1600w organic scrog

    Flower week #2, I believe the stretching is done and its time to get fat. I have lowered my lights and been supercropping tops slightly. Still is a big fuckin whole in my screen but thats not gonna change. Hopefully one day I will get my shit perpetual and just be able to pop another in if shit...
  19. kindone

    Kindone's 1600w organic scrog

    Well, upon inspection of my garden last night I found 1 of my kushberries completly covered in balls and bannanas. I have had plants in the past that have thrown a few balls but this whole plant is a male, not 1 female flower, I dont get it. The other 2 kushberries are fine thankfully but it...
  20. kindone

    Its just a rant

    Never had a problem in the 4+ years I have been growing and about 5 min after reading this post I went and did my routine nightly garden check and found 1 of my plants 1 week into flour has loads of balls and banannas. motherfucker how devastating to my little 6 plant garden. Strain was...