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  1. IAm5toned

    Looking for input on my room

    i dont think someone is being entirely honest here. 400w floro's for veg, eh?
  2. IAm5toned

    What's up with my plants?

    in that scenario, trees are the way to go! (or grow) lol
  3. IAm5toned

    Digilux 1000W Bulb Failed in 1 Month

    i would also not use extension cords to run the ballast... just sayin. no, im not psychic ;)
  4. IAm5toned

    First Time Grower HELP! :)
  5. IAm5toned

    Will I Need an AC for 2000 Watt Grow

    soil doesn't run warmer. however, plants aspirate at a more prolific rate at higher ambeint temps.this isnt a bad thing, you will find that the higher temps tend to produce a more rapid growth, especially during veg. this is why co2 works best @ higher temps.... plant metabolizes faster. when...
  6. IAm5toned

    Will I Need an AC for 2000 Watt Grow

    i wouldnt be worried about temps in that range if your using co2 on a hydro setup. if your using soil, your going to need some ac edit: i say that assuming your ambeint temp readings were taken at the end of an 18 hour lights on cycle. if your temps are that high with lights off, your going to...
  7. IAm5toned

    Canadian's beware! Important!

    blimps are used primarily by the border patrol...
  8. IAm5toned

    Canadian's beware! Important!

    you think so? the ANG has 4 of these parked on the tarmac within 30 miles of where i live. they fly one damn near round the clock during harvest... ...good luck living in that bubble of invincibility...
  9. IAm5toned

    Canadian's beware! Important!

    count that plot as a loss. and dont go back, unless your CERTAIN the area is clear. (ie, like 1 am on a night with shitty weather)
  10. IAm5toned

    First Time Grower HELP!

    do yourself a favor and dump the miracle grow soil in the garbage... the only MG product ive been able to grow with any success is MG organic potting mix. MG time release soils are not your friend, if your growing cannabis. they will burn your plants because the heavier watering schedule needed...
  11. IAm5toned

    Cheap Lightning Alternatives HELP !!

    be careful saying that or she will assume that its the same amount of light....
  12. IAm5toned I have a family type dilemma I could use some unbiased internet views on...

    in response to your rep: the concept is called "statutory liability", and is on the books in all 50 states. If you know better, and still let her drive, and something happens, your just as liable for damages as if you were driving the truck yourself. And, in a worse case scenario, if your...
  13. IAm5toned I have a family type dilemma I could use some unbiased internet views on...

    he is right... and in a civil court of law, by allowing her to continue to drive the vehicle, fully knowing she is a liability, makes you an accomplice/accessory, and you can be liable for monetary damages if she hurts someone or causes any property damage while driving the said truck....
  14. IAm5toned

    Aint This Bout A Bitch!

    and PS- they dont use choppers to look for meth labs unlness they already have a warrant. Fact. but they DO use them almost exclusively to look for outdoor plots. Fact
  15. IAm5toned

    Aint This Bout A Bitch!

    and your not familiar with southern law enforcement, im guessing. its 50/50 they got spotted. i would lean towards they got spotted. big brother knows smart outdoor growers seldom place all there eggs in one basket, and the increased activity, to me, signifies that your plot was spotted, and...
  16. IAm5toned

    What's up with my plants?

    i can yield a 1/2z of finished product on a 9 week flower cycle from clone or seed, per solo cup..... but its a method i perfected over many trials and errors. how many solo cups can you fit, in say, a 4x4 footprint? ALOT, if you tier them ;) lesson? dont knock it till you try it
  17. IAm5toned

    What's up with my plants?

    listen to your plants.... not people. lol to me, the problem looks to be with your soil.... time release nutes are the enemy...
  18. IAm5toned

    light schedule question

    it depends on alot of variables you dont have listed here, such as age of the plant, whether or not the plants were started indoors or out, etc etc etc. plants i have started in the past under a 24/0 veg cycle flowered immediately when exposed to any significant period of darkness. plants...
  19. IAm5toned

    Can a 400W Metal Halide Bulb Support a 4x4x7 Grow Tent Grow?

    itll work. tho a ceramic metal halide lamp will yield better results and you wont have to switch fixtures to flower.
  20. IAm5toned

    Flex Alert

    you should run @ night anyways.... cheaper to cool that way....