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  1. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    Yea true. Imma have to look closer for damage and bugs but the damage is easy to spot leaves just get a bunch of white spots on um and it was spreading but not anymore
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    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    I was just just going to leave as is thr bug damage looks contained it used to be worse but i removed most infected parts. Im not too worried though cause the damage looks slow before when i had aphids it used to be really bad but hopefully it doesnt progress. Knowing my luck though im better...
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    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    yea this one i got as a freebie it's been in the fridge for months now and i only got 1. she does seem to have stopped stretching phase imo i checked photo's and in person plant doesn't seem to have gained much growth and she has started to put out pistils and the tops look like they are...
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    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 30 Day 13 of flip babies needed water badly after just 2 days. made sure to water my pineapple fairly deep more then 1gal she took i gave about 1.5gals i would assume. she looks like she stopped stretching or pretty much thats as far as she will grow so im going to stop bending already and...
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    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    This is a freebie too only got 1. I vegged for 6 weeks i think but yea she slowing down but usualy mine dont start flowering until week 3 of flip
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    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 29 plant getting harder to bend looks like she is reverting back to her usual self of growing bushy versus growing vertically. ended up raising the lights up to try and see if i can get her to stretch more over these next few days. leaves starting to get frosty though i can see some trichs...
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    Sexing in veg before the flip.. Is my plant male or female..

    took my plants about 6-7 days of 12/12 to show that they were indeed males. the female i got is a fem seed but it's hard to see her pistils and im on day 11 of flip. over my time on this site i've read that they will sex when they are sexuall mature meaning if you flip when they are still young...
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    Will Chiller work with Dwc buckets

    if you can get a water tight seal off it i don't see why not. i've seen 1 person on google image do it on those big indoor water containers that are round. the plastic is more flexible compared to a 5gal bucket though. if your using one of those rubber maid bins no doubt they should work. you...
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    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    when i say bend im just talking about pulling the branches down into open squares. i don't super crop them or anything. all the main branches are super thick though so they are kind of hard to bend thats why the one in the top left i just kinda leave as is for now she has nothing to grab on and...
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    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 28 watered about 1gal minus 2L since i had to water the baby plant that is iffy right now. it's gotten greener but growth is still super slow. bent some branches down as usual but the same main branches keep popping right back out every single time i bend them. plant is getting stinker...
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    Hi guys! First time grower - is my plant ready to harvest?

    what i thought was the bract is the little ball part where the pistils come out from they will go back into the ball as they age and causing it to swell up. that is what i always thought though
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    Hi guys! First time grower - is my plant ready to harvest?

    from my UNEXPERIENCED eyes i would say she either looks close or ready to harvest. i mostly try to check apperance/trichs as my leaves will never yellow since i feed all the way until harvest. pistils looking like they are mostly red and i don't see a ton of white ones popping out anymore but...
  13. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 27 slowly getting height on the thickest branches was able to bed 1 or 2 of them out of the 6 hopefully they don't pop back out. net slowly filling out were almost at 1 square away at the top and left side but the bottom and right side are about 2 squares away. found some pistils but they...
  14. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 26 Fed both seedling and pineapple full dosage of veg nutes. not really seedling it was just stunted for a while lack of nutrients and lighting i believe. topped pineapple with 2L tap water since i didn't feel like going for a 2nd trip to mix nutrients again. my last feeding on veg nutes...
  15. L

    Should i continue to flower or re veg?

    Its his plant i was talking about. It needs food for sure its pale green almost yellow but imma feed today rest is due to lack of light since he kept it in the backyard it got like 2 hours of light per day only
  16. L

    This is a male for sure?

  17. L

    Should i continue to flower or re veg?

    I ended up just contuing flower since he shoved new plant in but its doing bad needs some feeding and i know its been stunted cause this plant is old but tiny
  18. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 25 day 8 of flip; calling it day 8 since i went 1 day only on 18/6 so i doubt she would of revegged from that alone. bent some stems back but not much else to do trying to bend 1 back but it's pretty stiff yet not long enough to bend also to tuck onto anything near it. soil is semi dry...
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    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    Yea but he just forces it onto me so it fucks up my grow space and i got to try and cater to his plants. If i wasnt scrogging i dont mind. I got plans to slow growth down on his plants though so i can finish mine off. His is likely another male anyways
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    Need some help here, plant pruning problem。

    I just leave mine on until i got enough growth they i trim