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  1. zem

    Flawless FINISH - how to properly flush ? Help ! Day 66

    I have heard of people using glucose to flush. Sugar seems to flush residual salt buildup. I myself just lower the concentration in the final week. I never let the plant starve out not even from Nitrogen, I just tweak the npk and ppm as I grow
  2. zem

    Coco grow media

    coco needs to be soaked in H2O2 and preferrablly calcium nitrate to precipitate sea salt. check the water that you soaked it in to see if ppm is going up then flush until it stops going up. IME this is very important in coco and I noticed that plants' roots thrive in it when it is clean
  3. zem

    Aphids day of harvest

    Yeah I tried Jorge Cervantes' way in a tub of H2O2 then showered them with a hose. Tried showering them with a hose only too. I did not notice a drop in potency. I did notice an improvement in taste. After you wash them let them drain then hang them in front of a fan for hours or overnight. This...
  4. zem

    Plants not looking healthy

    With today's market and deals, I think that buying a tent and the right setup is the cheapest way. Just look up good deals and read reports and buy the right stuff from the start IMO
  5. zem

    Plants not looking healthy

    hempy or dwc, you still need ph and ec. There are cheaper ph meters that seem to work if you are lucky. Keep the sucker submerged in nute solution or storage solution and never ever let it dry and they normally live a while. My bluelab was in the 100$ range, 3years ago, still works like new...
  6. zem

    keeping cats out of the garden

    A small dog will keep them cats away. You can also use a fence and line it with greenhouse plastic 6 ft high the cat will need a really good reason to even try jumping that slippery wall.
  7. zem

    Plants not looking healthy

    you will not go far in hydro if you cannot read PH and EC and temps, and if you cannot produce enough aeration for your res. If you cannot invest in ph ec meters and air pumps, maybe switch to soil
  8. zem

    Plants not looking healthy

    too many variables to tell. It could be the roots are drowned, could be the ferts or ph, could be temps, could be... could be... more info needed to help
  9. zem

    Need help! Look at pics

    it looks like magnesium deficiency to me. I would add epsom salt and check ph
  10. zem

    I need help determining the cause of yellowing.

    Well for small seedlings like that, it is hard to tell if it is burning or deficiency but since you have not fed anything for 4 weeks, I would bet it is just hungry. It could also be too late to save but you can still try feeding.
  11. zem

    Negative pressure in tent

    There is no need for an intake fan. All you need is a hole that allows passive intake. If you place both your fans as exhaust you will have more ventilation than if you place one intake and one exhaust.
  12. zem

    Drying your marijuana.

    I also think that horizontally placed they will gather more dust on their surface
  13. zem

    Anyone else clone with only tap water?

    Temperature and humidity are the number 1 factor. Temps between 75-80 are ideal above 82 too hot. I have placed many strains together in my cloner many times. While difficulty of rooting is strain dependent, they all eventually break through at a similar 90+% with these conditions. The health of...
  14. zem

    Ebb and Flow buckets system reservoir question (light, air, & algae).

    better to cover your res to dim the light as much as possible. It is not needed to be light proof like a flowering chamber. What chiqi said you have a great system, it is my preferred system hands down
  15. zem

    water temps and PPM questions in DWC grow

    Yes your plants will be very cold at those temps. In a DWC, it helps to get an aquarium water heater. For seedlings, I just use CFLs in a closed box and a thermometer. For a DWC it is a good idea to allow them to grow some roots in the water then lower the water level and cover the surface of...
  16. zem

    Ripper Haze from Ripper Seeds

    I have to say that it is either a bad pheno or something with growing/harvesting. It is very sensitive to feeding and light. If you overfeed you might affect taste and potency. When done right, it is the best tasting/smelling plant with a great high long lasting and very happy
  17. zem

    Ripper Haze from Ripper Seeds

    In my experience I have to say this plant is awesome
  18. zem

    Do I need an RO filter?

    yeah aside from the very high ph, it is not that worrying. If it is a personal op where you can afford a trial, try once without a RO unit, and see what happens. you could even haul a certain amount of RO water from stores to try a small side by side and see for yourself. I personally think that...
  19. zem

    Fan controllers

    Can you elaborate please? :lol: how does this fart test work? Who is drizzle? LMAO
  20. zem

    Stealth Fridge Grow

    haha that is awesome