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  1. aesparza4

    Growing In A Tent

    have you had any pests make there way into your tent or no? because if there is a real high chance that i will get pest i will just keep it closed because with my tent closed my temps are a little high but with it a little opened it perfect
  2. aesparza4

    Growing In A Tent

    hey guys i am growing in a tent that is 2x2x5 and my question is that if i were to leave the zipper a quarter of the way unzipped would it do my girl any hard. i know if i do this i would have to close it during the dark stage for light leaks.but what i have always thought that i had to grow it...
  3. aesparza4

    sativa or indica?

    from what your describing it sounds to me like it is a sativa because indica tend to be short bushy with fat leaves. hope this hepls
  4. aesparza4

    What Do You Guys Think?!?!?

    yeah most likely they will be. but 1.5oz and i am ecstatic!!!
  5. aesparza4

    First Journal and First Grow

    as of right now my nugs are pretty dense, hopefully the went get all airy within these next couple of weeks.
  6. aesparza4

    First Journal and First Grow

    yeah the 12/12 from see is some to for sure consider for future grows this guy dell is getting atleast 2 ounces dry from each plant. its a really impressive thread, here it is i honestly have no idea what i am going to yield...
  7. aesparza4

    4 weeks into flowering!!!!!! (pics)

    dang thats really good for some bagseed, did you weed smoke better than what you got the seed from
  8. aesparza4

    First Journal and First Grow

    yeah you really should get a journal man i would for sure subscribe to it. how did the auto flower do when you tried it indoors? i am thinking about doing a like 3 or 4 plants in my 2x2x5 tent and doing them all 12/12 from seed with a 400w hps. i should be able to get over a ounce per plant in...
  9. aesparza4

    4 weeks into flowering!!!!!! (pics)

    what kind of strain did you grow
  10. aesparza4

    4 weeks into flowering!!!!!! (pics)

    yeah i bet she would have provided if those colas would have seen it through, did your plant go into shock when this happened?
  11. aesparza4

    First Journal and First Grow

    thats quite a bit of harvests you got there bro, what kind of strains did you grow? around how much are you yeilding? if you dont mind going into details it would be appreciated
  12. aesparza4

    What Do You Guys Think?!?!?

    i would have started to lst when my plant was around 6 inches instead of waiting till my plant was 1.5ft. i think it would have been better because my plant has a long stem until it reaches its first set of branches, if i would have started sooner i would have kept my plant shorter. it didnt...
  13. aesparza4

    What Do You Guys Think?!?!?

    yeah i am thinking about getting a 400 because i think a 600 would be to hard to control the temp, i am growing in a small 2x2x5 grow tent. my next grow i am thinking of doing 12/12 from seed.
  14. aesparza4

    What Do You Guys Think?!?!?

    yeah i am sure i am going to notice a huge difference in my next grow, i can already imagine it now=D i dont think my nugs are going to be airy at all as of right now they look and feel really dense idk if they are going to get airy later in the grow but we will see what happens
  15. aesparza4

    First Journal and First Grow

    you cant wait? you can only imagine how i am over here i cant stop thinking about it, i swear all my friends probably cant wait for it to be done to but mainly not because of the weed but because they know i will stop talking about it so damn much! hahah and thank man i will for sure keep the...
  16. aesparza4

    What Do You Guys Think?!?!?

    and could anyone give me a rough estimate of what i should yield i know its hard to guess but just a rough estimate, i would be very satisfied with 1.5ozs =D wish me luck
  17. aesparza4

    What Do You Guys Think?!?!?

    thanks man i cant wait for this finish so i can satrt my hps/mh grow =D that should be very fun
  18. aesparza4

    4 weeks into flowering!!!!!! (pics)

    yeah i will for sure have 4 colas, i think i might have more but they wont be as big as my main colas. 2-3ozs and i would be in heaven! im just hoping for 1.5ozs =D wish me the best of luck and stick around more pics will be posted
  19. aesparza4

    What Do You Guys Think?!?!?

    thanks man very much appreciated thanks man now that i look back at it i should have LST my plan a couple of weeks sooner so it could have been shorter, but i guess better late then never
  20. aesparza4

    What Do You Guys Think?!?!?

    i am 4 weeks into flowering my skywalker plant. i am currently growing with cfls because this is my first grow and i decided to go the cheap way because i wanted to get a grow out of my system and i didnt want to invest alot of money on some good lights and me mess it up. but now that i am...