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  1. aesparza4

    High Yielding Strain

    come on guys i know you guys have to ave more strains in mind. i need to find out what to grow for my next harvest
  2. aesparza4

    trimming leaves in flowering?

    what have you guys heard about changing your light cycle to 10/14 last two weeks of flowering?
  3. aesparza4

    High Yielding Strain

    thats fine that it grows tall cause i am planing on LSTing my plants, ive never heard of chocolope, have you personally smoked it?
  4. aesparza4

    Tips and Tricks for Increasing THC production before Harvest??

    how many weeks or days before harvest did you change the light cycle
  5. aesparza4

    Plant dying NEED HELP

    wait till the pots are dry, overwatering your plants can cause them to turn more yellow
  6. aesparza4

    High Yielding Strain

    what are a couple high yielding strains? preferably sativa but i know most high yielding strains are indica
  7. aesparza4

    Plant dying NEED HELP

    do you have a ph tester
  8. aesparza4

    Plant dying NEED HELP

    if i were you man i would go get some better nutes for your plant one that has still little amount of N and more PK that way your plant still gets some nitrogen and it will help your leaves from turning yellow so quick, but you know that in the flowering stage it is practically inevitable of...
  9. aesparza4

    Plant dying NEED HELP

    how long ago did it start turning yellow? if it was like that during the veg it was because of a nitrogen deficiency but if it started to do this at the start of the flower it is normal, but i havent heard of it happening so as early as 4 days. i am 20 days into flower and my tips are starting...
  10. aesparza4

    Auto flower question

    thanks alot bigsteve this exactly the response i wanted, im just looking to yeild quick but quantity matters to me so i think i will stick to regular seed or clone.
  11. aesparza4

    Auto flower question

    whats up guys i am just wondering what are the benfits and the downfalls of growing with autoflower vs just a regular plant?
  12. aesparza4

    trimming leaves in flowering?

    fuck it i just decided to cut the leaves off hahah it makes my baby look way better =D
  13. aesparza4

    New CFL Grow Closet -- Updates Weekly

    i agree with bullwinkle you are going to need more light in there. right now since you are in the veg cycle you should have more of the blue light then the red light. buy more daylight cfls and throw them in there i would still leave the 2 red lights in there because its good to have a slightly...
  14. aesparza4

    trimming leaves in flowering?

    i heard that cutting off leaves during the flowering process can make your plant go hermie, is this true?
  15. aesparza4

    trimming leaves in flowering?

    alright thanks man i will for sure flush my plant 2 weeks before harvest
  16. aesparza4

    WTF, 3 weeks in-should my babies be taller?

    hell yeah it will man, from my experience in my current first grow i started overwatering my plant and then when my brother(who has several yields under his belt) saw my plant he could right away tell it was because i was over watering, my brother showed me the same technique of shoving your...
  17. aesparza4

    Plant Smell

    thats what i want lol i want to come home from work and as soon as i open my front door i want to be able to smell my baby, i am growing a skywalker plant, i have read that this strain normally has a mild smell but even when i put my nose close to the buds i dont smell anything.
  18. aesparza4

    New Grow Tent (76" x 48" x 48") [PIX INCLUDED]

    you only got a 150w hps? i have a tent that is a little smaller than yours and i am about to start running a 400w light man, make sure to keep my updated on how much you yield with that much light
  19. aesparza4

    Plant Smell

    hey guys i am currently growing one plant and it is almost 3 weeks into flowering, my question is when does the plant normally start to smell? because my plant does give off any smell. i am wondering if there is something i did wrong or do i just have to be a little more patient
  20. aesparza4

    trimming leaves in flowering?

    its crazy how much this thread keeps growing lol i am the one who posted this thread, i know i havent been posting much replies but i have read them all and from i have learned is that it is normal for a plants leaves to start to turn yellow in the flowering stage. so if i understand correctly i...