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  1. U

    Whats up with this plant? lol I think its overheating..

    I'd say it's a #8 pot, whatever that means. Prolly 3 gallon pot at leaste. Also, room temp is average 68-75, Its vented. I didn't think the fan could be blowing too much but I guess if it's going all the time it could. Very healthy root system, the plant is a beast, as I said only the top is...
  2. U

    Whats up with this plant? lol I think its overheating..

    Haha its cool man. Ill just keep an eye on it, the rest of the plant is really healthy, just the top was curling up for se reason. The soil was really dry so I gave it a bit of water. That should help it. I'm gunna look at it tomight in its dark cycle a few hours in see if it changes tonight.
  3. U

    Whats up with this plant? lol I think its overheating..

    No, it stays the same in the dark period. It's under and hps not cfl, the soil was a bit dry so I watered it., I'll keep an eye on it and see if anything changes
  4. U

    Whats up with this plant? lol I think its overheating..

    I havent fertilized in a few days, and roughly 4 days before that before switching them into flower. I usually just plain water for first week of 12/12. Veg ferts was only Fish Emulsion, no big. HPS 400 light, organic soil
  5. U

    Whats up with this plant? lol I think its overheating..

    The one on the right, has a fan blowing on it, and the light's about 18 inches or so away. Its curling still lol What do you guys think?
  6. U

    Well here my very first harvest

    Already all knowledged up about curing and drying :) gunna let it dry for about 5 days or so, and start putting it into mason jars. I want to get some humidity packs Going to use the trim for canna butter
  7. U

    Well here my very first harvest

    It took a bit to get em trimmed, I trimmed wet. Maybe next time ill trim after they dry. It seems like a preference thing though. I was looking stuff up about contact high and there were a lot of yes and no answers, but while I was trimming, and plucking, I wasn't using gloves and before I...
  8. U

    Well here my very first harvest

    Leaving it on the racks to dry, I still have a little amount left in the plastic lid. I'm surprised I got this much from it. Looks good though :)
  9. U

    How much longer to harvest you guys think?

    Lets see what I can find for you guys :) mid to late veg to early flowering under 4 cfls.
  10. U

    How much longer to harvest you guys think?

    You think so? thatd be awesome. I can start preparing to dry and cure
  11. U

    How much longer to harvest you guys think?

    No loupes on me. Afrodite strain
  12. U

    How much longer to harvest you guys think?

    7.5 weeks in. Looking nice :)
  13. U

    Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

    It's my first grow. I got an afrodite clone. I started on 2 - 42 watt cfls for the first 2 weeks, then added two more 2 weeks later. It did this all through veg, and then I had enough to buy my 400w HPS at 3 weeks of flowering.
  14. U

    Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

    Thanks for all you've mentioned :) The plants are resiliant, some survive in desert-ey conditions, I'm sure this one will make it a few more weeks. According to the pics, how are my buds looking? They have a bit of brown so it's in the mature stage towards harvesting, I would think.
  15. U

    Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

    Yea, as I said I've inspected a few of the leaves. No sign of mites anywhere plus they leave small web residue all over, Nothing like that to even hint to spider mites AFAIK. If it's heat burn and not nute burn, what would be the proper things to do besides raising the light higher and hoping...
  16. U

    Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

    6 weeks into flower. will just give it water and see what it brings me :)
  17. U

    Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

    Heres a few more pics in normal light. Didn't realize my plants had color since I started with the HPS haha. Anyways I have the closet door open in the daytime, the fan moves the air out. What should I do now if it's heat burn? I move the 400 watt up a little bit, so hopefully that will help...
  18. U

    Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

    I would say thats closer. Lemme get a pic