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  1. U

    Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

    Another thing, the leaves at the top are becoming 'brittle'. I don't know if this is a sign of heat but I'm gunna pull the light up a bit and see if things improve
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    Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

    Holey shit blurry. Thats a bit darker than mine tho and more 'plague' like... hmm I read around that the 'brown' is caused by either what you said heat with water, or nute burn. Mines more yellow. I don't know if that makes a difference.
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    Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

    Just to be on the safe side my light is up higher about another inch now in case it is the heat
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    Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

    The book of the gods ;) haha damn. So I didn't see em, what should I do? Prep the Habanero spray and burn em outta the house? Time to grab a beer and investigate those little arachno-fucks. I WONDER if the light is too close, the leaves on top are yellower than the bottom. Thanks for...
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    Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

    Yea unfortunately when I started I didn't have thebfunds for ff water soluble. Next grows will get a much nicer treatment. Well its organic soil, fish fert prior to the bloom fert that's dry.
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    Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

    If it was water, I wouldn't water from that high up. I'm wondering if it's nute burn, I use dry nutes that go into the soil
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    Yellow spots on flowering plant, thought maybe spider mites but not seen

    Looked at my clones and didn't see any yellowing or spotting leaves. Didn't see any spider mites, or webs or anything. It's on it's 6th week of flowering.. Maybe nute burn? the 400 watt hps is ~14.5 inches above with fan blowing across the top of the plant.
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    Nooo! CFL's fell on my clone, it's all droopy on the top now!

    Just to give an update, the plant perked back up overnight, also think the top is stronger now, it doesn't bend anymore like when t he light fell on it. Thanks for the replys!
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    Nooo! CFL's fell on my clone, it's all droopy on the top now!

    Thank god they're resilient. Thanks for the quick replys :)
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    Nooo! CFL's fell on my clone, it's all droopy on the top now!

    Mannn I didn't mean to knock the cfls onto it. None of the stems are broke, I was thinking of propping it with a stick, what else should I do?? bongsmiliebongsmilie
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    Musicians thread - music production, instruments etc. what do you play?

    Just seeing how many fellow RIU members out there who rock out or produce music. Think my tubes on my line 6 amp are going out, noticed a volume fluxuation when I was jamming today. I use ableton live 8.2 to create my music. Have md421-2 mic, at2020 and sm57 for recording vox and...
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    I've been reading up on ways about making bubble hash but still unclear on this I was looking through that, I'd be looking to use cuttings as the medium to start, the ice and water mixture to have the trichs drop, and straining. Now with the cuttings, do I throw them into a blender before starting...
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    building a basic clone box

    That's a really good idea with the disposable cooler. Could have them taller too.
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    building a basic clone box

    I'm looking for good material to read up on for cloning. I have a used cake tin, like one for a big party. It has a good solid base, and a plastic top which could be used to create a humidity dome for rooting. Would it be enough to put the cuttings in organic soil or even rockwool cubes...
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    Scheduled power outage on Nov 1. Any thoughts what I can do?

    Alright. Thanks for the tip. I'm not worried about my flowering plant, just the two little ones. Ill move em to the brightest area.
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    Scheduled power outage on Nov 1. Any thoughts what I can do?

    Going to be off from 9 am to 1:30 pm (rough estimate). I don't receive any real good amount of sun at my place, so what can I do to plan for this? I fear this may make my clones hermie, and they already don't look like their doing too well after transplanting a few days ago, so this may stress...
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    What's up with my clone? havent had one lean before.

    Lol i know I have another thread about leaning, but the clone is actually wilting at the stem near the top and I can't figure out why. At first I thought maybe the stem wasn't strong enough so it was bending over trying to stretch to the light but this doesn't seem like the case. Think my...
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    What's up with my clone? havent had one lean before.

    lol no the right plant is drooping at the top.