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  1. silverserf

    Anyone have flowering pics from a T5 they used?

    This is under T-8 23W, i think they work pretty damn good for the price. Scrog seems to work best, getting about 4oz a crop under 8 T-8s Cheers, SilverSerf
  2. silverserf

    1st time grow KUSH bagseeds

    It's a good idea to leave some space to bury the stems a little, i usually do. Moving the light closer can help with the stretching too. Easy way to get a plant out of solo cup or pot is to just let the soil dry well, and it will come right out when you turn it upside down. You might have to...
  3. silverserf

    Fully Budding But Threw Out A Coupla Bananas With Pollen

    Dude, if it has male and female parts...she's an it.... It's not trying to polinate has.... I want to's going to be bitter...but it would be mean... A pic might help... Cheers, SilverSerf
  4. silverserf

    HELP...Busted and Petrafied

    Hey dude feeling for ya as well. See what your lawyer can do about getting the search warrent tossed out, a funny smell seems like a pretty flimsy reason for a warrent. Also make sure they have previous experience with theses types of cases, ask em right off too. My stupid old roomate got our...
  5. silverserf

    Creating my own strain

    Greetings Jovreef, Was checking out your other thread...didn't know you had males around her. Looks like the horny bastards got her. Check her real close for yellow powder dropped from ball sacks to make sure she's not a he too. At least you have the clones. I only grow clones saves a lot of...
  6. silverserf

    When should I harvest male?

    Are there any trichomes on the leaves? I think about all you can harvest is pollen. You might be able to smoke the leaves, i've never tried, except maybe this one time but I think that was oregano ;)
  7. silverserf

    Is This a Good Soil Tester? Looking for Any Advice for a Soil Noob

    HHmmmmnnnn......lime added to shopping list. SilverSerf
  8. silverserf

    Possible Grow Room Need Some Input Advanced Grower Input Needed

    depends how much your hydro costs... 18hr a day * 4wk = 504 12hr a day * 9wk =756 ------- 1260 hrs * 4000watts = 5040Kw\h * (your hydro cost here say $.10 for average) $540 So I would say you whole grow will cost about $600 for hydro...which...
  9. silverserf

    Stem color?

    Hey all, Thanks for the info, they are seeds so there can be variation. Time will tell. Cheers, SilverSerf
  10. silverserf

    Stem color?

    Hey all, I've got 3 lemondrop kush seeds just starting to grow, they are just starting their second leaves. What's wierd is that 2 have green stems and one has a purple stem. Anyone have any idea why? Conditions are virtually identical the purple stem one is the closest to the fan by 3...
  11. silverserf

    What sex is this plant?!

    I wouldn't bother growing the seeds, i tried this and they all turned out hermi as well. I have 100's of seeds from them but don't waste my time. Smoke the weed though it can still be good. Cheers SilverSerf
  12. silverserf

    How do you increase terpene production?

    Hey all, No actual evidence that it makes a difference in the terpene production but on top of various GH nutes i add something called "Flourish trace" which i had from growing aquatic plants. I was going to look at my Flora nova Bloom but the bottle is covered in crud..hang on going to google...
  13. silverserf

    First Time Grow - Stealth Fridge CFLs, opinions and advice appreciated

    Ya I would run the lights at night too...and if you have one of those smart meters hydro is cheaper at night. SilverSerf
  14. silverserf

    Snow water extraction....the results.

    Hey all, There was 1 mid sized brown bag full, about 1/3 of a shopping bag sized one (paper bag) with a fair number of small buds from under the screen. Cheers, SilverSerf
  15. silverserf

    Snow water extraction....the results.

    Here's the fudge SilverSerf
  16. silverserf

    DIY Rubbermaid Grow Bin

    I built what looks like the same thing...only have a shot of the plants inside it but it's the same box. I painted the inside of mine white, it's got a 23w cfl mounted thru a hole in the side and has a computer fan with dc adaptor and light trap on top. I use it for clones and veg but it's...
  17. silverserf

    cfl selection advise please

    Is the ballast for the light in the box? and if so can you move it to the outside? or maybe turn up the fans....park the spare glowing computer next to the A/C.... Oh and the 42w cfls are decent you can get them at the harware store or wally world. Cheers, SilverSerf
  18. silverserf

    First Post 3rd grow

    They'll keep growing but have seeds...and be somewhat smaller as a result. SilverSerf
  19. silverserf

    Snow water extraction....the results.

    I've done it this way a couple of times and gotten good results. This time was the best, i just did 2 tokes and am having a hard time typing programmer rules apply...gigo garbage in garbage out. you don't want to put more than a cup or 2 or water thru the coffe strainer, move to...
  20. silverserf

    Official CFL Positioning Thread!

    I've found that my bank of 8 T8 cfl tubes on chains works great with scrog, don't have a pic of that cause i just cut her down but i've learned that the key to theses puppies is not to just get the light as close as possible but to actually let them grow right into the light. They don't burn at...