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  1. Snickelfrits

    Laced weed: urban myth?

    i know man i have def learned from past exp and there is nothin like tokin on sumthin that u watched sprout from a seed
  2. Snickelfrits

    help/improvents i can make

    one plant per planter is a good rule of thumb to follow, that way the roots dont get tangled and if something goes wrong w/ one than it wont affect the other
  3. Snickelfrits

    Curin Question

    check out my fav cure jar "Gary the Ganja Gnome"
  4. Snickelfrits

    Laced weed: urban myth?

    i did smoke some shit that made me literally pass out before, i dunno if it was laced or not but i have personally never seen it...i sold some oregano to a dude in high school though and he told me it was da bomb lolz
  5. Snickelfrits

    Does Growing Schwag Seed=Swag Weed at the End?

    agreed ive grown some bomb ass weed w/ "bagseed" but it was from good herb that i bought not brick weed, i would have to say if u enjoyed smokin the product than go ahead and grow it but dont try to improve a terrible smoke
  6. Snickelfrits

    I am writing a script...

    sounds 2 much like breaking bad
  7. Snickelfrits

    i want to grow small plant

    i could prolly get like an oz in a 1 gal pot w/ the right strain
  8. Snickelfrits

    CFL cabinet grow auto Whithe Widow and auto AK-47

    thanks to all i cant wait to shove some of them pics in the faces of ppl who say u cant flower under cfls...and for the mostpart as firm as any bud ive smoked in the past couple months(the little popcorns underneath were a little fluffy but the main cola and all the other buds were nice and...
  9. Snickelfrits

    I am writing a script...

    thanks bro i have made a little headway since i last posted on here...perhaps i will spend some time next week typing up what i have and ill share some w/ yall
  10. Snickelfrits


    soooo did anyone know that the honey possum has the biggest testicles in relation to its body size of any other mammal....the equivalent of a human with 2 watermelons for "yo man that crazy stunt took balls like a honey possom":)
  11. Snickelfrits

    CFL cabinet grow auto Whithe Widow and auto AK-47

    bongsmilie:eyesmoke::bigjoint::hump: heres some harvest pics 4 ya
  12. Snickelfrits

    CFL cabinet grow auto Whithe Widow and auto AK-47

    hey yallz its been awhile since i been on RIU w/ fam being over for the holidays and such i just couldnt find the alone time to log on here but im back....harvested her like 2 days b4 christmas and im definitely impressed i dont have a scale but from my exp. it seemed like about 1oz of dry bud...
  13. Snickelfrits

    3 Word Story

    named ziggy and glenn
  14. Snickelfrits

    Little Bastards!!!

    aphids? not sure just a guess...never seen them b4
  15. Snickelfrits

    Grow Your Own Smoke, A Dream Come True!

    :clap::clap::clap::clap::leaf::leaf::leaf: agreed man i could not have done anything close to what i have without tese here forums thanks RIU
  16. Snickelfrits

    3 Word Story

    jerked off by...
  17. Snickelfrits

    CFL cabinet grow auto Whithe Widow and auto AK-47

    so i havent updated in awhile cause of the holidays and such but heres day 45...i checked the trichs just for the hell of it the other day and theyre almost all cloudy so i think another week of nutes and then itll be flush time
  18. Snickelfrits

    pee storage

    i dunno if u can keep it for too long, i just had sum1 piss in a douche and then went straight to the urinalysis place but i dont have to take another unless i get hurt so i never considered needing to save any...u could try the whizzinator and some synthetic piss
  19. Snickelfrits

    ..: Post Your AutoFlower Pics :..

    got a AK-47 auto here for ya day 35 from first time it showed through the soil
  20. Snickelfrits

    Marijuana Flowers?

    i believe the buds are the flowers as far as i know and if pollinated they will just produce seeds