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  1. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    I don't know how those things throw, but would think mid level pointing in at the ends of your chambers (long ways) would give the most even coverage. Perhaps offset a little. I'm not the pro at coverage as I'm still trying to figure it out myself. I know what makes sense, that doesn't always...
  2. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Certainly wasn't trying to sound sensitive in my last post. I guess things get lost in translation. Anyway... Trichy, that pdf of the nute injector screams guerilla grow, lol. I have pondered one of these as well, but thought I could just make one. That thing looks like it wouldn't break the...
  3. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Damn, that's what I was afraid of. Still bush league, lol. When does a bush stop being a bush and become a tree, dammit? I can't wait for the day somebody says, "Damn, that's turning out to be quite the tree!" It's only about 20 days into flower, so hopefully she'll keep up at this rate and double.
  4. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    Like the new picture. Is that from your cloner or the AA rig? Either way, looks very like an atomizer pic so that's pretty badass. I hate to beat a dead horse to death but I can't say enough about dyna-gro! I don't think I'll be changing anytime soon. Feel like taking my guard down for a...
  5. Mike Young

    Another newbie posting up his very first hydroponics setup :)

    What i mean by leaching (spelled it wrong last time) is toxic chemicals absorbing into your nutrient solution. i ised a shitload of epoxy, and my stuff is going great.
  6. Mike Young

    Another newbie posting up his very first hydroponics setup :)

    Choose your poison, lol. If you're worried about small amounts of leeching both are probably pretty nasty. I don't think you'll have any issues. Some people freak out at using PVC, but I think they're paranoid.
  7. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    How did I ever pass over this?!? Organite or some shit. Ahh, yeah man, that's crazy talk.
  8. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    One part formula, rock solid ph, micros... And it's about the cheapest stuff around. Dammit! I'm kicking myself for not trying it sooner. I seemed to be lacking in N department with the aqua flakes. I couldn't quite get it dialed in. One week on DG, and I'm sold. I'm at 4-450 at the start of...
  9. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    I like what I'm seeing right there, lol. Can't wait to see it get some action. :) Trichy: I switched over to dyna-gro about a week ago as a result of being frustrated with minor def's on the H&G. ...and in the week, a fuckin complete recovery. I love this stuff! Thanks for pointing it out to me.
  10. Mike Young

    Outdoor hydroponics Mike Young style.

    Certainly will do. Thanks for actually giving it a shot. I should've just said there was gonna be pictures of old man balls in this thread by opening with "this will be a vegetable grow". Oh well. Call it a filter.
  11. Mike Young

    Outdoor hydroponics Mike Young style.

    I would kill for a greenhouse that big. I didn't build the one in the video, unfortunately. It's on the small side. I had absolutely no interest in the thing a year ago. Now I'm obsessed, or possessed, or just downright crazy. Zem, what will you be using as a res? I like these drums because...
  12. Mike Young

    AeroJunkie's High Pressure Air-Assisted Hydro-Atomized Aeroponic System (HPAAHAAS)

    AJ, totally dig your building skills and hope you show us more. Do you not do any outdoor stuff, or is it too hot where your at? Im gonna try my hand at outdoor hydro, and if it goes well I'll likely upgrade in the future. You might appreciate this...
  13. Mike Young

    Outdoor hydroponics Mike Young style.

    First off, I know this is a weed site, so I'm gonna say right away that this is a veggie grow. Can't have neighbors peering in at my shit. that being said, if a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video should pretty much cover it. Confucius fuckin says! Enjoy...
  14. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    I would've imagined that AA rig of yours was pretty spot on. Always room for improvement I guess. Sure would be nice if you ever decided to another thread documenting a build. ;) My temporary fix to the problem was pretty simple. 1.5 gallon bucket w/air stone under my root-gina.
  15. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    That makes total sense, and I am not doubting your trees. I've read about your crazy yields. I obviously didn't train my roots down like mentioned. I still think I'm going to have to try out some sort of hybrid system. I think I can make my idea work, and in my head I foresee excellent results...
  16. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    I'm not experiencing poor results. In fact quite the opposite. I'm gonna get close to my 1lb goal, but probably not yet. I would like to point out that my root ball would fit neither in your aerolife box nor TF's sinks. So to say that I'm doing what's already been done is a bit of an insult. I...
  17. Mike Young

    True HP Aero For 2011

    I was wasting very little last run, pretty much a solid .5/3-4. This time around I'm wasting more trying to get penetration, but it's just not working. I'm gonna go ahead and say I don't think this style of aeroponics is suitable for large plants. The roots keep on swelling no matter much room...
  18. Mike Young

    Another newbie posting up his very first hydroponics setup :)

    I agree that without precautionary measures that zem is right. I am about to find out if my measures will get the job done. I buried two 55 gallon drums almost completely to act as my res. That should keep my nutes cool. As for root zone, I went with 10" PVC, and a friend recommended adding a...
  19. Mike Young

    Another newbie posting up his very first hydroponics setup :)

    Yup, I'd bury your res at the very least. Also agree that you'll want a bigger pump. Epoxy will glue anything to anything, but I'm sure many would advise against it, as it's pretty nasty stuff. I am of the opinion that when it's dry, it's dry. There may be some leaching, but I doubt it would be...
  20. Mike Young

    high pressure aero & arduino project part 1/2 - Conception and Design

    Alot of it is. I've since moved to a single chamber as even those 40 gallon leaf bags proved too small for what I want. Perhaps with an AA nozzle you can get away with a slightly smaller root chamber, as the distribution is better. I veg for at least a month. Due to some nute issues (changed...