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  1. S HELP!!!!

    Since the plants roots use osmosis to uptake nutrients and water, the change in nutrients as the water level drops will tell you to adjust the ppm. If ppms drop, add more nutrients. If ppms rise, decrease your ppm. If ppms stay steady, bingo! It gets iffy because ppm only tells you the...
  2. S HELP!!!!

    Give this a read: TDS: total dissolved solids (displayed as ppm) EC: electrical conductivity (displayed as micro or millisiemens/cm) PPM is derived from EC using a conversion factor (usually .5 to .7). EC measures the amount of...
  3. S

    what are optimal nute ppm?

    How long is a piece of string? There are simply too many variables to answer that question. You have to find the right ppm that works for your setup through trial and error. There is no simple answer except to start low and make small changes to the ppm to find where it is most ideal.
  4. S

    This is my 3rd grow

    Yeah, that's right. However, ppm is not a universal measurement. It should make more sense with this article:
  5. S

    Dealers lieing

    I don't care if they make up a name as long as I feel it was a good value. Nothing pisses me off more than paying for high grade and getting mediocre or shitty weed. But since I got my dr recommendation, I haven't bought any weed from dealers. Too much of a gamble with my money.
  6. S

    "the claw" need help,its seriously affecting bud size!

    Overcomplicate things much? Back off the ppm a bit, its as simple as that. You're just making a very simple fix very confusing.
  7. S

    No more organic, wheres all the chemicals?

    FF is not a 100% chemical fert. AN, Botanicare, GH, Dutchmasters, Humboldt, etc all have a chemical lineup. I use Humboldt Master A&B products with good results.
  8. S

    "the claw" need help,its seriously affecting bud size!

    9 out of 10 questions asked in this subforum can be answered by reading the stickies. I'll bet you're overfeeding them.
  9. S

    some cheap GOOD lights will they work?

    Awesome shop light, terrible growing light. Wrong spectrum and mostly heat.
  10. S

    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Happy almost b-day! bongsmilie lol, yeah you are. Too bad you don't have the room. And you are obeying the 6 plant limit, so you can't take any more additions anyway. I'll find a way to get them into my tent one way or another. I've already invested enough time and electricity into getting...
  11. S

    hey anybody know bout some hydro.

    Yeah, a pH of 7.2 will cause problems like you are experiencing with lockout. Definitely need to bring that down if you expect the plants to survive. If you can only buy one, get the pH down. In case you overshoot your pH target by going lower than 5.5, you can always add more fresh water to...
  12. S

    Tent Cooling/Filter Questions

    Great point about odor seepage...didn't even think about that. I personally push through the hood and don't have any cooling problems. Tent stays about 5 degrees warmer than ambient. There is no right or wrong way to run the fan as long as it is pulling through the filter.
  13. S

    root rot and treatment

    Its mostly a chemical fert but has organic stuff in it. From the FF website under Tiger Bloom description: That biological activity will be killed by the h2o2. The organic part of the fertilizer cannot be broken down into usable nitrates for the plant. Instead, you have a sterile soup of...
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    saving a thread

    Bookmark it. Ctrl+D.
  15. S

    hey anybody know bout some hydro.

    Yep, a dropper kit will work just fine for checking pH, its just a digital one is more convenient for quick readings. Remember, we are looking for an acceptable pH range here, so testing accuracy isn't that important.
  16. S

    This is my 3rd grow

    Do not, do not, do not use vinegar and baking soda to adjust the pH. They aren't stable enough to keep it at a certain pH long enough to be effective. Might as well not even bother pH'ing if you're using that stuff. Get pH up and down from the hydro store. Also, ppm numbers shouldn't mean...
  17. S

    hey anybody know bout some hydro.

    You need to pH the water between 5.5 and 6.5 to avoid nutrient lockout. Measure it after adding nutrients. Spend the money for the pH up and down. They help maintain a more consistent pH than any home remedy. Avoid organic acids like vinegar and lemon juice.
  18. S

    hey anybody know bout some hydro.

    You don't measure pH? Well that is probably your issue right there.
  19. S

    hey anybody know bout some hydro.

    A $60 cooler is an epic waste of money but keep trying to sell people on it. I grow fine in a $5 rubbermaid.
  20. S

    hey anybody know bout some hydro.

    :dunce: Those plants should have a lot more roots for that size.