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  1. S

    Kush Grow Op....Violator Kush-Barney's Farm

    Much better with the lighting. The plants are a lot easier to see. Definitely cut back on the nutes a bit, some of the leaves look pretty crispy. They look great otherwise, looks like you have a few weeks left before the chop. I have the same microscope and it works fine for me. Use the...
  2. S

    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Oh, they are doing great. Me, on the other hand, I'm traumatized and scarred for life. Muffs are so gross. :spew:
  3. S

    quick growroom ?'s.

    I think you mean 125 cubic feet of space... 600w or 1000w for that area would be ideal. # of plants is going to depend on your growing style. I've got 20 plants crammed into the same dimensions but they'll obviously be smaller than if you grow 5 in your area.
  4. S

    Should a carbon flter get rid of 100% smell?

    Assuming it is a properly sized filter and the ventilation is leak free, yes it should eliminate the smell completely. They are very effective at what they do.
  5. S

    propermeter storage

    You can use either fluid made specifically for storing ph meters or 7.01 calibration solution. The electrode must remain wet in order to function properly, so keep a little bit of solution in the cap and you'll be good to go.
  6. S

    What is wrong with THESE plants???

    lol, you can't overwater a dwc setup. Looks like the beginning of overfertilizing to me. Back the ppms/ec back a few notches and see if that clears it up.
  7. S

    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Jesus, what happened here! My thread has been tainted with hairy vag or silence of the lambs dick tucking. Nasty shit either way.
  8. S


    Nevermind, keep doing what you're doing...
  9. S

    Noob on a mission.

    1. Unless you are running C02, run the fans all the time. 2. Another reason to run the fans 24/7. The smell will leak otherwise. Can't help you with 3 or 4, I grow exclusively under HID. Should work but I would think T8's would do the trick just as well for less.
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    No but if someone says, "ya, 800 ppm works perfect for me" that isn't helpful because you don't know what conversion factor their meter is using. Now if I said, .9 EC, .9 EC on your meter would be the same nute concentration as .9 EC on my meter. Does that make sense?
  11. S


    Yep, that is assuming a conversion factor of .50. Some meters read .5, some read .7, some read somewhere in between, and others are user configured. I know with the Hanna EC/TDS/Temp meter, you can set the conversion factor. You need to specify your PPM with your conversion factor because the...
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    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Haha, lol, it went right over my head. Hairy women are gross, so I was probably just mentally blocking it.
  13. S

    Growlush 400w hps super output hydroponics lamp question 65,100 lumens????

    Damn, I didn't realize that. Pretty impressive claim for a bulb a third of the price. ...I don't believe it. Someone with a light meter is going to have to prove this.
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    Club 600

    I use photobucket. It's free and pretty easy to use. Photos upload and display on webpages a lot faster than directly uploading to this site. You can put as many embedded images as you want in a post.
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    Most meters have the ability to read both EC and TDS. EC is a much more accurate measurement of dissolved solids in the water because it is universal between meters. TDS/PPM is a conversion from EC and the conversion factor varies from meter to meter, thus cannot be directly compared unless...
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    This should help get you started
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    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Thanks for coming in and scoping my grow. My first grow was a 150w in soil and I had a lot of fun with it. Don't underestimate the 150w, it is more than capable of producing a lot of dank buds. I much prefer it over a clusterfuck of CFLs. Want to speed up growth? Ditch soil and grow hydro...
  18. S

    Growlush 400w hps super output hydroponics lamp question 65,100 lumens????

    Shit, I didn't know they sold ballasts until you said that. That said, I can't tell you if they're good or not. I believe the lumens but you'd have to get someone with the bulb and a light meter to confirm. They claim 95,000 lumens for the 600w, so 65,000 for the 400w seems reasonable.
  19. S

    Growlush 400w hps super output hydroponics lamp question 65,100 lumens????

    I'm running a 600w growlush bulb right now and for the price, it's awesome. Much brighter than the plantmax I had in there before and ironically paid $10 more for.
  20. S

    Kush Grow Op....Violator Kush-Barney's Farm

    Yeah, bro I'm still here, just silently watching this unfurl. Looking really good and very close to being done. :weed: Can you take some pictures in more natural lighting or is there some way to change your camera settings to compensate for the HID? It is really hard to see the detail because...