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  1. keico

    Nute Question

    No The bone meal takes way to long to break down in water, to be of any immediate use.
  2. keico

    Help!!!!plants dying

    Ok couple of mistakes I see Your soil mixture is wrong miracle grow and potting soil and dirt Should be Miracle grow, Peat moss, and perlite. Also Those bananas are not gonna help now as it takes time for them to break down and be available nutrients for the plant. Also banana peels are an...
  3. keico

    confused, checked pics of deficiencies, can't figure it out

    Did you plant them straight into Miracle Gro Soil.
  4. keico

    How do I save this plant? Please help

    What are you using as a light source besides the sun. Also what type of soil are you using
  5. keico

    Organic medium

    Blazeoneups soil recipe for a 3 gallon pot 16 cups soil foxfarm Ocean forest potting soil 32 cups Premier peat moss 2 tablespoon MG bone meal 2 tablespoon MG Blood Meal 14 cups perlite 2 tablespoon dolomite lime or 1 tablespoon if you are using promix/sunshine mix #4
  6. keico

    2nd grow 400 watt Mh HPs

    Ok here we go 3 weeks flowering Still just plain water, no nutes added Got some Neptune's harvest as backup just in case
  7. keico

    Diy cool tube

    I was in the same boat here is the solution Also cool tubes don't cost as much as you think...
  8. keico

    First time stealth grower long time smoker......input please!

    Ok I started just like you except for the DWC. I started with a small cabinet, cfl and soil. I made every Noob mistake there was. Now what I learned was this. First time growing don't start with a small cabinet. Temps were out of control no matter what. Although CFLs do work, they grew...
  9. keico

    PH Test strips are absolute trash

    How old are these test strips Where did you get them from If you want to check the accuracy of your strips use some PH buffer solution and then you can be sure
  10. keico

    did i screw up??? +rep

    I do not think that anyone can definitely give an answer to that. It all depends on how long they have been on 12/12 cycle. If you just started then chances are they should be ok. If its been sometime, maybe you get hermies. Maybe they will be ok. Just give it time, and don't interrupt the...
  11. keico

    how many plants can you fit?

    You could start 9-12 plants with that square footage, but now way grow them to full maturity.
  12. keico

    Which God Is Right?

    So you are saying that God has to fit your criteria before you will acknowledge him. Why do you keep saying Gods (Plural) like there are multiple gods with different personalities. If that is your belief then pick one from mythology, there are many there. If you don't know what age you have...
  13. keico

    drooping and yellowing fan this time...

    If you know they are females then yes, but how much experience do you have with cloning. Cloning even when you follow directions does not always produce good results. Start over, put some more soil in those pots, but before you do that, get some seed to sprout, transfer to a jiffy starter...
  14. keico

    how many plants can you fit?

    Ok have to convert this one 500mm is 19.5 inches 1500mm is about 59 inches tall so total floor area is about 3 square feet and total height is 4.9 feet I would say you get two plants in there depending on the pots you use
  15. keico

    nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium?

    Nutrients for vegging are high in Nitrogen, as the plants uses this nutrient the most while it is growing. Nutrients for flowering are high in phosphorus. Potassium (to my understand help the plant take up the nutrients) Hope this helps Go organic less problems
  16. keico

    nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium?

    To keep things simple start with an organic grow. Utilize a soil recipe that allows you to grow from start to finish without having to add nutrients, or bash your head worrying about PH. Here is one There are...
  17. keico

    drooping and yellowing fan this time...

    I hope the advice helps you
  18. keico

    one more question. " leaves burned"

    Your plant will recover just fine. Don't cut the leaves, just let them die and fall off naturally. These plants are more versatile than you think
  19. keico

    Which God Is Right?

    There is only one God. The flavors of God are the way many different beliefs perceive him. If you truly want to pick one flavor, and you truly believe in a God, then pray for guidance.
  20. keico

    I have white flies and fungus gnats. HELP!!!

    That is not true. I and many growers have used it will no negative effects. Normally when you use this product you only need to use it long enough to get rid of those pesky bugs