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  1. keico

    I think I'm done with chemicals...goin organic!

    Well it all depends on your soil setup. If you utilize a soil with no nutrients added, I would say maybe every two to three feedings. And even then start off with small doses. As far as brewing, I never used or made a tea, but from what I have read, it can be anywhere from 24 hours and up...
  2. keico

    leafs curling up/down and have brown spots.. Mg def? *Pics*

    Definitely over fertilization and lockout. Flush them Flush them Flush them
  3. keico

    Weird Leaf curling and Dark Veins Appearing

    What kind of pots are you using, and what is your soil mixture. Looks like overwatering
  4. keico

    newbie. cutting off yellow leaves.

    Do not cut those leaves. While they are yellowing, the plant is using those leaves for food. Let them fall off naturally. Also some pics can help diagnose any problems you are having
  5. keico

    why flat paint over a gloss?

    Glossy paint will create hot spots and you don't want that. Kinda like using a magnifying glass to burn ants. Mylar is the best choice though.
  6. keico

    I have white flies and fungus gnats. HELP!!!

    This you can get a lowes guaranteed to work hands down
  7. keico

    cfl or hps?

    Another debate over CFL vs HID I think it all comes down to personal preference. You can go with either. In my opinion, HID are better hands down. I started with cfl's. An although the plants were more bushy, They took longer to grow and took more work due to constantly having to move the...
  8. keico

    Digital or Magnetic Ballest, pro's and con's

    The above post is 100% correct. I like magnetic ballast as they are very reliable, and are long lasting. Magnetic ballast are also more cheaper than the digital. I utilize magnetic ballast and have a digital as a backup. The last thing you need is for a digital to fail and have no backup...
  9. keico


    I am no hydro expert, but they look ok. Since they look young, it is normal foe the lower leaves to start doing what yours do. I would leave them alone. for now
  10. keico

    Help! My first plant problems!

    What type of setup do you have. Soil, lights, nutes, etc. Also what kind of seeds are those I can say it looks like a fertilizer problem, but need more info to help better diagnose
  11. keico

    Started flowering this week - can I still TOP?

    Just my opinion, I would not top during flowering. You will get hermaphrodite, from the stress You can tie them down if they are getting to tall. Also tell me more about your grow setup, and some pics would help also
  12. keico

    Grow Room Ideas Anybody?

    That's a really nice setup you got there. I would definitely get a HID setup in there. Metal Halide 400 watt to veg, and then 400 watt HPS for flowering. I notice your plants are stretching due to the cfl bulbs not being close enough. Also get a oscillating fan in there to blow directly on...
  13. keico

    super simple soil recipes

    You can always order soil from the internet, but the shipping can be ridiculous. Now although people say Miracle Grow is not good, it can be used. More than likely you will get some gnats with them, but they can be dealt with Here is a simple soil recipe you can use that can carry you from...
  14. keico

    first grow first month

    Get yourself an oscillating fan in there to strengthen those branches Otherwise looks great
  15. keico

    is 400w hps enough to grow in 12q feet?

    Yes cfl's must be close to a plant to be effective. A 200 watt cfl is gonna generate a lot of heat
  16. keico

    Yellowing leaves and stufff

    I have to ask. What types of lights are you using They look very small for one month of growth, Also tell me about your soil, looks like too many nutrients in the soil
  17. keico

    is 400w hps enough to grow in 12q feet?

    Where are you getting your info from ??
  18. keico

    is 400w hps enough to grow in 12q feet?

    Topping means to cut the main branch so that you have more than one. This slows down growth as the growth hormones become spread out over now having more than one main branch For LST read this FAQ
  19. keico

    is 400w hps enough to grow in 12q feet?

    Use this chart which shows coverage based on bulb wattage
  20. keico

    I think I'm done with chemicals...goin organic!

    Your not being a dick, I know a lot of people don't like it. I had forgot to add that you can definaetly use fox farm instead Miracle grow I actually am using FF now as a replacement Here are some more notes on this recipe the optional soils to use with the peat based mixes above. Mg...