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  1. gypsygreen

    Plants Sexing

    Yeah, canna can typicaly show sex as early as 4-6 weeks. Around about the 5-6 node some indicva strains will show...males usualy first then females following. You can expect it by the time the nodes start to diverge ( not come in paralell to each other)
  2. gypsygreen

    Outdoor growing in containers (not in ground)

    When i plant in pots, I end up at the end putting them in 40 gallon totes buried in the ground to control height. This allows for a nice root system and you can get BIG plants but still have the option to move them if the situation dictates. Just dont put a 6" seedling in a 40 gallon...
  3. gypsygreen

    White Widow

    It is typical for a plant to stretch, infact its the first sign of full steam flowering. Expect it to double in height before its done. As for the leaves falling off, how is your watering schedule? are you allowing a day of dry out for the roots? this isnt as important during flowering as...
  4. gypsygreen

    Aurora Indica

    Hehe, ill let ya know in 5 months. trying some myslef this year outside. Doing well so far.
  5. gypsygreen

    Just Curious. What Size are Your Plants by June 1st?

    Mine are 8-10 inches tall and are on the 5th and 6th nodes. About 6 wks old.
  6. gypsygreen

    Round Three - 10 Pound Minimum Outdoor 2011

    I hope you have a nice harvest after all that work. I am hoping for 5 lbs myself, should be enough to get me through the year.
  7. gypsygreen

    I Found a Way to Neutralize the Smell Outside really Cheap!

    I grow a few of mine about 10 yards from a horse manure pile, not only are they my biggest plants every year, but the smell of the shit covers the stank up real well. Thank god for harborvite's!
  8. gypsygreen

    Advice for Growing in a Tree?

    You'll probabaly want to avoid physical contact from between the tree and your plant. Even though they are both plants, what is harmless or even benificial to one , may in fact be deadly to another. I am talking bacteria or insects. The insulation of your pot alone will keep it safe enough...
  9. gypsygreen

    Where's the Best Place to Grow Outdoors in America?

    PA isnt so bad. Albeit we have a shortish season, May-Nov. Soil is great, decent sun (although weve had a shit ton of rain last 2 weeks) and most of the state is national forest or private farmland.
  10. gypsygreen

    Question About New Plants

    Nirvana's reputation is shot with Auto's. Last year 80% of their Autos wouldnt auto flower no matter what the light schedule. Their breeder must have fucked up. They discontined all but the short ryder this year and even that batch is shit. I bought a 10 pack of the SR in Feb and only...
  11. gypsygreen

    Outdoor Rain Problems

    If its in a pot, yeah. If its in the ground i wouldnt be too concerned unless you have poor drainage. Half of mine are in the ground and I also have had 2 weeks of mostly rainy weather...My girls are thriving. Covering it will work, but idealy you want to bring any potted plant inside at...
  12. gypsygreen

    Yellow Leaves in the Buds

    Its common for your canna's leaves to turn yellow in the last stage of flowering. It usualy starts at the bottom and works its way up, but I HAVE seen it do the opposite. Remember...this is the end of the plants life, and all the energy is going into bud production. Dont be alarmed and try...
  13. gypsygreen

    Help Me Choose One Please!

    Glad I could help. I realize that being the new guy on the block, it will take time before anyone here will take me serious. But I do have SOME usefull info :)
  14. gypsygreen

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Not trying to nitpick, but as this is the ADVANCED cultivation section, we should try to get the terminology correct. You have 4 main leaders, not colas. Colas are the lead flower clusters and since you are still in veg, you have none yet. Again, not trying to bust your balls or anything...a...
  15. gypsygreen

    Preflower Help!

    Preflowers will come any time after the plant has enetered the veg cycle. This in no way means that your plant is gonna flower soon, this is normal. Perhaps this will help:. But yeah, they will show anytime after the plant has enetered veg cycle, but you could still have another 4-8 weeks of...
  16. gypsygreen

    Finding Out the Sex of Plants

    Its like you getting a cut on your finger vs getting your arm ripped off. Or take cuttings and 12/12 them!(thats what i do)
  17. gypsygreen

    Is My Plant Growing Too Short? Leaves are Growing Straight Up

    Ive been growing for 20+ years and let me tell you, that is one fine specimen of a plant you got going there. Nice tight nodes, perfect leaf formation and brilliant color. I just hope it turns out female. If not at least you got your feet wet and learned the basics of germ/seedlings...
  18. gypsygreen

    Revegging after Harvest?

    Yes......BUT your plant will look deformed for a long time. Its a long slow process bringing them back into veg after harvest , and not all strains will take to it. This one I revegged last fall inside. The plant was originaly grown outside. It took almost 6 weeks before it grew decent leaves...
  19. gypsygreen

    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    All other things being equal, outside bud will be stronger and taste better...grow lights cant match the spectrum or lumens of the sun.
  20. gypsygreen

    Does Rain Lower the Potency of Marijuana?

    Yeah rain is only a problem in the fall when your flower clusters are growing together. Water gets trapped inside and makes a nice home for mold. I gently shake every branch in the fall each morning to shed excess dew, and after each rain. During veg, constant rain and overcast skies will...