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  1. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Your entire world view depends on everyone including a 10 year old being capable of making mature decisions for themselves and for no one to have the ability to con another. Good luck. The fact that you think so highly of your own opinion and take a stance of ultimate truth would put most...
  2. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Look....if (for arguments sake) SOME 10 yr olds were mature enough to make the decision to be sexually in fucks name would anyone be able to tell those from the rest? Just cause the 10 year old said so? Cause id say half of the statutory rape cases out there involving 16-17yr old...
  3. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    I agree with you completely, no one should be able to force anyone to anything... We agree completely on this. But despite how many times I watch "V for vendetta" I simply have to accept that the world is the way it is with the hopes of improving it rather then waste my time with a fantasy of...
  4. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    As far as im concerned this is one of the only real "truths"...and its funny... "Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's going to die, come watch TV". -Morty
  5. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    I find irony (and hypocricy... And vile lies...and sociopathic Messiah complexes) in virtually ALL politics... If there is an opportunity to change any of it I'm on board...but until then I do what I can. Personally I view completely not playing the same as consent. But I'm
  6. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    No problem man. I never saw a discussion helped by being rude. (Although admittedly it is sometimes fun). I hate to say it....but fair ain't our friend. So again, suggest a better system and I'll support it. "Capitalism is the worst form of government, other then every other form of...
  7. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters? for thought. I hear California is passing a law that sex without verbal consent can be considered rape. This is amending the current standard that a woman must verbally say no for it to be rape to account for woman being drugged or blackout drunk and such. But again, the argument...
  8. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Again Yes I'm familiar and while I am a fan of John Locke I'm not so thrilled about Ayn Rand. But again it comes down to one simple truth. You don't like the system we have but I'm guessing have no relevant alternative. (I feel ya). So its all kind of moot if you're not willing to...
  9. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters? a perfect world. But kind of a contradiction as you seem to "worry" about that system yourself, quite a bit. When me and mine refer to being "criminals and outlaws" we are referring to the same issues that you have been complaining about. Im no outlaw due to a lack of morality, I have...
  10. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Well yes...obviously its literally a choice. But I prefer to address the merits of a debate by its intended argument whenever possible. Its more fun. Also in most cases simply stating the obvious doesn't work...if it did they probably wouldn't need you to point it out in the first place. I...
  11. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Yeah...well either the reed bends or breaks. Right? I was raised to live in the Grey area.
  12. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    TO THE GAAAARDEEEN! (Said while brandishing a garden trowel with my face painted half blue(for Roy))
  13. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Well I know someone who "took Roy off grid" Roy: A Life Well Lived | Rick and Morty .... Shiiiiit....and here I've been having a hard time getting past 50. But seriously, your illusions in lack of choice sound more limiting then my illusions of freedom (which is a distinction thats not news...
  14. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Well to play devils advocate...if for nothing other then arguments sake.....if I walk into baskin robins and they give me the choice between only the vanilla, chocolate and strawberry it could be argued that its not so much a choice as the illusion of choice...dangled in front of me like a...
  15. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    Shes a Beauty! (Aussie accent) My wife and I are currently looking for acreage in a little known zone 16 shes from. We too have a family community in need of proper veggies.
  16. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    So when a democratic policy is pushed its anti-american extortion..but when a reb policy gets pushed its democracy of the people? Even though the cocksuckers have to shut down the government like children throwing a tantrum to get it? An old saying i hate comes to mind. "Love it, or leave it"...
  17. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    I also like how in lieu of a meaningful retort in the face of facts disproving their sentiments, often times they simply resort to nitpicking about spelling or some statement that was obviously dripping with sarcasm or embelishment as "false". As if pointing out some nitpicky B.S. were somehow...
  18. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    I love it....que republican opinion on economy or race relations... or whatever (take your pick really)...then evidence is presented that the opinion is based on emotion and not fact (or in some cases downright fabrication)...then they all stfu about earlier proclamation because they have no...
  19. FauxRoux

    Donald Trump

    I grew up with the haight ashberry and oakland H.A. chapters (oakland being the head chapter)...they always knew my whole family is jewish. They couldnt give 2 fucks and we've been working on their bikes for years....having said that they are all white as far as im aware. And i agree on 1 point...
  20. FauxRoux

    Are there any smart Trump supporters?

    So're against Zionism, but for trump? Interesting since Zionism is the right wing conservative, placatingly zealous political party in Israel. Hence why most American Jews (whom are almost entirely liberal outside Hasidic circles) don't truck with Israel. You're against Zionism...